[i]Colin Roche The Rag-Tag Force Meeting Spot[/i] Colin looked down at the dwarf, his mouth agape in mock indignation. “Nothing to lose!?” He exclaimed, his eyes shining. “I doubt you've got a very good angle my stout friend but I can assure you I have a very handsome face on me, a face that gets me a lot of attention from the ladies when combined with my winning demeanor. To say I have nothing to lose if this pretty killer here cuts my gonads off is like saying you Dwarves have nothing to lose if someone introduces your people to shaving razors! I do say my good man, I am hurt.” Colin smiled, chuckling as he turned back to the front. Over the next several minutes a whole gang of different people turned up. Everything from another Dwarf to one of the grey giants. Colin just observed, enjoying the rag-tag group that had now crowded the large tent. Soon Eloen turned up and Colin flashed a smile at her. “Hey, move ya big and small blighters, let my slender friend through there.” Unwilling to wait Colin stuck himself in the small crowded space between where he was and the back and held his arm out to Eloen. “Come forward El, might be a tad difficult for you to hear what's said through the thick wall of grey muscle here.”