[center][img]http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/this-war-of-mine-still-2-930x523.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24][center][h1]BEFORE[/h1][/center][/color] In May of the year 2020 American, Chinese, and Russian soldiers all converged on the country of Pakistan over the abundant natural resources in the region. A Three sided battle ensued killing hundreds of troops and thousands of civilians caught in the middle. In response to this, the large-scale terrorist group, ISIS, attacked the three nations in full scale battle. They had grown immensely more powerful than any of the three nations had believed. The United Nations convened to try to put a stop to the conflict. Instead, alliances were made and battle lines were drawn. World War 3 had begun. That was almost a year ago now. The world is in a state of war unlike any it has ever seen before. Russian soldiers have invaded Alaska while a Chinese navy sits a hundred miles away from the coast of Hawaii. American soldiers are engaged in a brutal campaign along the border of their two warring enemies. Fear of the end of the world is now the only thing stopping nuclear conflict. Unbeknown to the rest of the world, a new European terrorist group calling themselves the Organization, has spent the past two years developing a biological weapon unlike any seen before. They have taken over the ISIS infrastructure and now have control over the largest army not associated with a single nation in the world. Their weapon? A fungal virus which turns all those infected with it insane with an insatiable hunger. Infected individuals have fungus grow out of their pores and will eat anything living that they can get their hands on. The disease not only affects humans, but animals as well and is resistant to all forms of medicine. And now, the weapon is ready to deploy. The date is February 25, 2021 in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Thousands have gathered for Mardi Gras celebrations hoping to forget about the bleak state of the world. Behind the parade barricades dozens of people of all walks of life wearing bomb vests filed with fungal spores explode. On top of those killed in the initial blasts, thousands of citizens are infected. The city is thrown into a state of total anarchy and the National Guard creates a city-wide quarantine. Their numbers are stretched thin however as most of the military is busy fighting the war. Now the calendar starts, 300 days BEFORE… [color=39b54a][center][h3] Before What?[/h3][/center][/color] Before the end of the world, silly. So this is the beginning of what will hopefully become a series of RP’s set in a new original world. Before takes place over the three hundred days it takes for civilization to fall. We will be watching the world fall apart. The basic premise is that we are not superheroes or the ‘chosen ones’ or anything like that, we are simply people who were unfortunately caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Larger scale global events and major plot will be mostly in the background as we will see outside events on news stories or hear about them second handedly. Our characters are all present in New Orleans at the time of the Organization’s attack. We don’t know what is going on and it will take a while until we find out. The city will be in a state of total and complete anarchy as we try to survive. Players are encouraged to create multiple characters, as people WILL die. The military is currently shooting first and asking questions later. President Trump is currently planning to build a wall around the city. (That is only kind of a joke.) We all start out as scared average people running around and not knowing what to do. You can have characters with military experience or in the military currently but no over powered badasses who are invincible. Now I do have an end point for this RP, three hundred in game days after we start. What happens is up to us and we will use this as a building up of the world in the sequel RP, aptly called “AFTER.” The infected are not zombies and you do not need a head shot to kill one. Anything that would kill a person will kill an infected. They have nasty looking fungus growing out of their skin and eat pretty much anything that is alive and not infected. There is no talking to them and there is no cure. Get bit and you turn. It happens pretty quickly too, the infected person has a sort of seizure as the fungus grows out of their skin and they start coughing up blackened blood. Infected can run, jump, climb, and all that good stuff. Animals can also be infected, do not pet the mushroom dogs. As we go on there will be more ‘advanced’ forms of the infected that we will encounter but at the very beginning they are ‘normal.’ Have an idea for a new type? Let me know. This entire RP is a world building experience as well as an emotional and character driven one. I want to make a series in this world and I want help in doing so. As we go we will encounter all kinds of factions and such that are beginning to populate this world. Remember that the world has not ended yet. I plan on having us eventually escaping the quarantine and visiting places that are relatively peaceful. As I said we are watching the world fall apart. I have a vision of us getting to a safe place outside of New Orleans only to have to survive invading Chinese soldiers. This is the answer to the one question everyone will ask after. Where were you when the world ended? [center][h3]Rules[/h3][/center] [list] [*]Don't leave for weeks without letting me know. If you can't post for a certain amount of time tell me. If you disappear without a reason your characters will be killed in the most brutal ways possible. [*]This is a mature RP so cursing, racism, and all that good stuff is acceptable to a point. I don't want to read porn, if there is something frisky going on use a fade to black. [*]Do not control a player's character without their permission. [*]Any fights or arguments are to be handled via PM, keep the OOC nice and friendly. [*]Random off topic conversation is encouraged in the OOC, it adds a sense of community and is all around fun. If you don't have time to post IC you can still talk to your friends here. Discuss movies, comics, and tv shows at your leisure but try to keep spoilers to a minimum. [*]I prefer collab posts to different post interactions between characters. This isn't a requirement, just a preference. [*]Basic advanced rules, put some effort into your posts and have at least 4-5 good paragraphs. One liners are never acceptable. [*]Any questions about characters or anything feel free to PM me. Want to send your character to me that way instead of posting it on the OOC? That's fine with me. [*]Recognize that Superman is the greatest superhero ever created.[/list] [center][h3]Sheets[/h3][/center] [hider=Character Sheet]Picture: (No anime please, this is a realistic world. If you can't find a picture that is to your liking just add a appearance description somewhere in the sheet.) Name: (Obvious) Age: (ditto) Height: Weight: Occupation: (What does your character do for a living?) Personality: (What are they like? Strengths, faults, do they collect anything, etc...) Skills: (Anything that makes your character special or that will help them survive. Are they a good shot? Can they cook?) Flaws: (Character flaws and weaknesses. Are they a drunk, overly trusting, kind of a dick?) Bio: (Life up to the point of February 25, 2021. Doesn't have to be insanely long but give us an idea about their life.)[/hider] More to come. I plan to add faction, creatures, mutant, and area sheets. I'll get to these as we get further into the RP.