[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#FFBF00]Samuel Keats[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/27748855/original.png[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Dorm Room → Kitchen → Outside [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Will Blake [@smarty0114] Lucas Farweight [@Legion02] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Energetic → Irritated → Bored[/center] [hr] Keats' alarm sounded loudly in the dorm room, waking him up with a start. Oh yeah, he'd set it to maximum, mainly so that it'd wake up Will, too. Sure, maybe morning runs weren't the guy's thing, but no-one gets to lie in when Keats is around. At least no-one that he doesn't like, hence the alarm. Just to make sure, Keats got out of his bed as loudly as possible, practically stamping on the floor as he gathered his clothes together and got dressed, not bothering to go anywhere to get changed. Not like he had anything to hide, right? You could call Samuel Keats a lot of things - people did - but unfit was not one of them. He pulled on a red vest and black shorts before wrapping the usual cloth around his fists, sighing as he did so. It was always the most irritating thing to do, but it was better than going out unprepared, right? What if someone decided to piss him off and he didn't have his gear ready? He'd have to let them walk away, and he couldn't go risking his pride like that. Pulling on his trainers, he glanced over at his roommate's bed, smirking as he stood up. Just to make sure that the guy wasn't still sleeping, Keats called out to him in a cheerful, mocking tone. [color=#FFBF00]"Wakey wakey asshole! Sun's shining, time to get up!"[/color] With that done, Keats grabbed his phone and headed down to the kitchen, a spring in his step. Today was gonna be a good day, he could tell already. As he entered the kitchen, he didn't notice anyone else there, but there were some muffins sitting on the table. Keats grabbed one, realising that it was probably left by one of the Mayweathers. After realising this, he took another one because why not? They were good muffins, and no note was gonna stop him from taking as much as he wanted. Besides, there were still plenty there if anyone cared that much. After polishing off his second muffin, Keats decided to head outside, putting in a pair of earbuds and setting off on his usual morning run around the outskirts of the school. He didn't really feel like pushing it today, since it was the weekend. It took way too long for him to get properly tired out, but that was always the problem with his physical abilities. Training his strength and speed and stuff were easy enough, but when it came to endurance it was just a pain to improve on. Still, no harm in trying. He started running at a decent speed, easily overtaking several people in front of him with very little effort. Boring, slow, slow, boring. Man, what was up with this today? Did no-one in the school actually run? Sure, Keats was a little enhanced, but it wasn't like he was the fastest guy in the school by a long shot. Whatever the reason, it sure made it hard to get motivated when nobody else seemed to be bothering. Despite this, he managed to complete a fair few laps of the school. As he passed the front entrance for the third time, he noticed some kind of fancy car - a limo if his eyes were right - stopped outside. [color=#FFBF00]"Some kinda big shot coming here? Eh, whatever. They'll probably end up just being another pushover like everyone else in this place."[/color] he murmured. A little bit lost in thought, he failed to notice a tree branch on the path and was sent sprawling. He wasn't harmed outside of his pride and a couple of scrapes, but that was the end of his run for the day, his irritation putting him off of continuing. Sighing, he headed into the school, shoving some kid out of his way as he headed through the halls, finally pausing as he found a decent bench to sit down at. Man, he really needed something to do. Was boxing supposed to be later? He couldn't remember. He was supposed to know this stuff by now! Still, he was near the top of the club, so if he forgot a training session then it'd just be time for the rest of them to try and catch up. Not that it'd work. Nobodies like most of those guys just could ever measure up to someone like Keats after all. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. If he couldn't think of anything to do, then he'd be as well asking someone else. Scrolling through his contacts, he found Lucas' name and sent him a text. It didn't bother him that much whether he was busy, but Keats wanted a way to spend his day that wasn't skulking around by himself as fun as that may have sounded. [color=#FFBF00][center]To: Luke You got anything that needs doing? I'm bored outta my mind right now :/[/center][/color] Pocketing his phone, Keats headed back down the corridor, a menacing smile plastered on his face as he scanned the other pupils hanging around them. He sure was thirsty, now that he thought about it, so he casually snatched some kid's water bottle and downed most of it in a single gulp. [color=#FFBF00]"You're welcome, kid."[/color] Keats grinned as he tossed it back at the boy and leaned against the wall, laughing as the kid ran off looking thoroughly frightened by Keats. Good things came from looking scary, that was for sure.