Here's my first draft. If anything is wrong or you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! [hider=Hugo Himura] Name: Hugo Himura Nicknames: Prefers to be called Himura Age: 17 Gender: Male Weapon Type: Spear Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Flirty, flighty, arrogant Biography: Hugo Himura is half-Japanese, half-Canadian, though he's spent his entire life in Japan. His parents met at university, but his mother ended up dropping out due to her pregnancy. After he was born, she left him with his father and returned to Canada, where she is a professional musician. His father is a serious is a serious man who didn't want Himura's mother visiting, due to lingering bad feelings. So, Hugo has only met her a few times. One of these times, she gave him his first musical instrument, a viola. Even though his father disapproves of music, Himura keeps with it. Lately, his father has been pressuring him to get serious about his studies, but Himura cares more about music and having fun. Arcana: The Lovers Persona: Narcissus Skills: Marin Karin, Charm Boost, Garu [/hider]