[hider=Emmaline][center][hr][hr][img] http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lady%20Emmaline&name=Redressed.ttf&size=70&style_color=C23023[/img][hr][hr][img] http://33.media.tumblr.com/2a1178ca312b844eec0dd00cca7cfbf7/tumblr_inline_nq96t8taFV1rifr4k_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=c23023]Name:[/color] Emmaline Lear. [color=c23023]Age:[/color] Thirty-nine. [color=c23023]Titles:[/color] [i]Lady of House Lear[/i]. [color=c23023]Origin:[/color] Myrr Keep, The North. [color=c23023]Allegiance:[/color] House Isles. House Lear. [color=c23023]Family:[/color] Father: Petyr Isle – Alive Mother: Emilia Isle – Terminally Ill Lord: Ulfar Lear – Husband - Alive Daughter: Isla Lear – Oldest Daughter - Alive Son: Sigurd Lear – Oldest Son - Alive Daughter: Joane Lear – Youngest Daughter - Alive [color=c23023]Appearance:[/color] Emmaline is a somewhat tall female for her age. She is about five foot six with a weight of one-hundred and twenty-eight pounds. She has delicate features all aligning her perfect form and frame. Her luscious locks of brunette strands of hair cascade down, reaching well past her lower back. She has a light complexion to her skin tone with her hazel eyes to match. [color=c23023]Personality:[/color] Emmaline isn’t a mischievous person at all though; she is a very cunning individual and will step over and on anyone that may get in her way. If she befriends you that mean that she trusts you enough with her secrets. She is loyal to those that she befriends along with make alliances with and hope that they are to her, as well. If she deems them not to be loyal to her, she stop at nothing to make sure they go down. Emmaline is also creative when it comes to certain things such as planning and plotting. Most people think that Emmaline doesn't have any feelings and they are wrong, she has feelings just for no other people but for her husband and her family. She is blunt towards others and knows how to tear a person down with just a few choice words. She can be a bitch but chooses not to be and just be herself. [color=c23023]Background:[/color] Emmaline’s life hasn’t really been interesting in her young, teenaged years because her mother was pampering a little bit too much. Her life didn’t get interesting until she was engaged to Ulfar, her husband. It seemed like their marriage had caused a slight rebellion along with other reasons so they haven’t been married long before Ulfar, Lord of the North, had to go to rode his banners to war. While she was up, day and night, worried about him and even his men. Emmaline had given birth to their first daughter upon his return. Emmaline was happy to have given birth to a child with someone of Ulfar’s caliber. Emmaline kind of spoiled her first child just a little bit but then again, which parent wouldn’t. It wasn’t too long after that she had given birth that Old Lear had past. She was completely devastated along with everyone else within the North. She had grown a little closer to him as the months went by. Now that Ulfar was Warden of the North, she had bared two more children and their lives were as a peaceful as any – Nothing but smiles coming from them. Emmaline had adored the way Ulfar had raised the kids and the way that they were close to her, as well. It was like the perfect combination as any family within the North. She’s very happy with her life, of course and things couldn’t be better for her, the kids and even Ulfar.[/hider] The bio might be crap but here she is. :D