Well, I lied. I only managed to finish one of them and my brain is entirely sapped, and the thought of writing up another person makes me want to curl up and cry. Celesse Tulbraiss, my other character, will be finished tomorrow, I promise. [center][hider=Reyanna Morewen][img]http://i.imgur.com/nDOdclH.png?1[/img] [color=91FFE0][i]“A proper lady watches the great game with blind eyes and deaf ears, never thinking, never acting for herself. A proper lady is also probably the most boring, brainless creature the gods have ever made.”[/i][/color] [color=91FFE0]Name:[/color] Reyanna “Rey” Morewen [color=91FFE0]Age:[/color] Twenty-two. [color=91FFE0]Titles:[/color] [i]Lady of Riverdale[/i] [color=91FFE0]Origin:[/color] The city of Riverdale, in the west. [color=91FFE0]Allegiance:[/color] House Morewen is allegiant to House Rathmore. [color=91FFE0]Family:[/color] [hider=Family] Lord Anderon Morewen – father [i]Eliyanna Morewen (nee Pravost) – mother[/i] Ser Evyn Morewen – Elder brother [i]Elena Morewen – Elder sister.[/i][/hider] [color=91FFE0]Appearance:[/color] Reyanna isn’t much to look at, coming in at a little under five feet tall. Her form is slender and graceful, despite her rather small height. Her skin is fair, her hair long, curly, and reddish-brown. The most notable thing about her is her eyes—the right blue, the left green. Witch’s eyes, her older brother would tell her. When she was younger, Rey would intentionally comb her hair forwards, so that her green eye was hidden, and sometimes can be seen doing it still. [color=91FFE0]Personality:[/color] Rey seems, at first glance, a demure, quiet young lady, if a little distant. She’s perfectly cordial and civil, and does a good job of at the least pretending to be an airheaded little fool, albeit one who loves music and literature. (That part is not a farce; she is quite enamored with the arts.) She never, or almost-never, shows her true colors—inside, she’s a twisted sort of creature. Ambition that’s been shoved down too many times has a way of turning sour; she craves revenge on her brother and sister and father for forcing her into the desperate, humiliated position she’s in now. She desires power, partly as prestige for her family but mostly to do better for herself. Mostly, she just desires to hurry up and find a suitable suitor so that all the ladies of court will quit muttering about her when they think she’s not listening. [color=91FFE0]Background:[/color] With Rey’s entrance into the world, her mother took her leave of it, something her father never quite forgave. Her older sister and brother certainly never forgave her, either. When she was young, Rey thought the gods had cursed her. Her brother was tall and strong, her sister graceful and elegant—quite beautiful. They were being groomed for their future roles; Rey was pretty much useless, in that aspect. A spare, but a spare [i]female.[/i] Not pretty enough to snare some petty lord’s eye—certainly not if she looked him in the eyes, not with her “curse.” She was kept at home, hidden from the outside world. Almost as though her father was ashamed of her or wanted to pretend she didn’t exist. Like a bastard, without even illegitimate birth as a reason for her exile. Her exile abruptly ended when she was twelve. Her seventeen-year-old, recently-betrothed sister Elena had vanished in the night—presumably eloping with a common lover, or at least that was the rumor that spread like wildfire, despite attempts to quell it. So now they were stuck with a problem—A damaged household reputation and a socially-incapable daughter as the only bargaining chip in the game of houses. When she was fourteen she was betrothed to some minor lord’s only son. That fell through when the boy mysteriously died, not two days before the wedding. A similar thing happened the next year, with the next engagement. To this day no one knows either of the causes of death. After the second incident, no one dared accept any marriage proposal that the Lord of Riverdale could offer for his daughter. Years went by. Finally, on her eighteenth name-day, she was sent to court with two guards and a handmaiden, whom were given orders to not let her return to Riverdale until she’d secured a sufficiently lucrative marriage offer. She knew who she had her sights set on, of course, but that was aiming absurdly high. Though to be fair, it seemed that looking for [i]anyone[/i] was to set her sights absurdly high, given her record. [/hider] [hider=House Morewen] The house words are, “We never forget.” The house sigil is a golden owl, perched on a pair of crossed scythes, on a field of dark green. [hider=Members of the House] Anderon Morewen – Lord of Riverdale [i]Eliyanna Morewen (nee Pravost)[/i] – Former lady of Riverdale Evyn Morewen – Heir Apparent [i]Elena Morewen[/i] Reyanna Morewen – Lady of Riverdale[/hider] House Morewen holds a large tract of land, a fertile river valley. Their keep is a rather small fortress, simply called Riverdale Keep. The true value of their land claims is in the human resources of the small city of Riverdale and all of its outlying farms. [/hider] [/center]