[@Pair of Hearts][@QueenOfTheBee] ASIAN HOMIES UNITE YEAH XD I used to do crazy stuff like that when I was a kid with too much free time to spare (and even marathoned all the Harry Potter books in one day). I once felt critical of myself when I saw how native English speakers have such colorful vocab (both good and bad, haha), but now I'm not overly harsh on myself anymore. I mean, it depends on what you're writing, and using the vocabs appropriately is more important than showing off your vocab bank. (Lately I've been experimenting other writing styles, such as light novels which emphasize the use of simple everyday language instead, and six-word stories.) I can understand Cantonese, but can't speak well enough to save my life (aka really broken Cantonese lol). I'm better with Min/Hokkien (the dialect spoken in the Fujian area of China and Taiwan). Backstory can be hard, especially when you don't have a good grasp of your character's personality and personal traits. ^^; Not sure about others, but I feel that a story begins from the character, then the character's quest, and later the obstacles to create events to use as plot. For character, it starts from their personality, to their personal traits (such as appearance) and qualities, then their backstory and whatnot.