[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Amanda%20Stone&name=Redressed.ttf&size=70&style_color=C22F25[/img] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8qgsyXNCj1r0stpno1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center][indent][indent]She had let out a soft chuckle when she had asked him what should they do. It was usually her coming up with the ideas but this time, it felt a bit different since it really wasn't her fight - For now, anyway. She had heard Christian's answer to her question then nodded her head while sitting her bow down and taking the arrows off of her back and sitting them down, as well. [color=c23023][b]"Okay. Let's get to work then."[/b][/color] She had said with a smile. Amanda did indeed train Christian very well. He had honestly no idea that she didn't teach him everything and the thought made her a bit sad. Listening to Christian talk, Amanda had gazed up his body and features and saw that he honestly hasn't changed over the year. She shook her head of all the thoughts right now and focused on the task at hand. She continued to listen to him then saw he had pulled out a knife then looked towards her. Reluctantly, she would've pulled out one of her own but instead, she didn't. Amanda watched as he turned towards his nightstand and stabbed the hollow bottom and pulled out his laptop and weaponry. [color=c23023][b]"Aw. You kept the first dagger I threw at you."[/b][/color] She had said while picking it and admiring it then eyed him with a soft smile while sitting it down now. [color=c23023][b]"And this is really easy to get into. I didn't have to bust myself through your window, honestly. I could've just shimmied through the front door and been like, arrow here and there."[/b][/color] Amanda said with the shrug of her shoulders then looked at him, grabbing his laptop and sitting it on the desk nearby and saw a load of files piling up. [color=c23023][b]"Oh, my goodness. Great job, Christian."[/b][/color] She had given him a high five then continued to stare at the screen then the last hit her - Samantha Adman. She had been apart of the agency since day one and even told Amanda, herself, that she had pure potential. [color=c23023][b]"Uhm..."[/b][/color] Amanda got up and turned her back from Christian, eyes filling up with tears that she again held back. Amanda couldn't believe that someone she had trusted for so long, listened to and even heeded their advice. [color=c23023][b]"So, if you have all of this information, then we could really turn things around, you know."[/b][/color] She had said while turning back around to face him with a soft smile. [color=c23023][b]"Oh, my. Amanda and Christian working another assignment together - Off record!"[/b][/color] She squealed because she was so happy to be working with him again. [color=c23023][b]"We'll go down in spy history."[/b][/color] She added then looked at him while grabbing a notepad from her boot and writing down all of the information then closing it and eyed Christian. [color=c23023][b]"Alright before we get going. I need to shower."[/b][/color] Amanda said while getting up and going over to the bathroom, showering really quickly and loving it when the warm water hits her body, relaxing her bones with a certain ease. She had gotten out of the shower then walked back out to put on an extra pair of clothing she had brought with her. Amanda stared at Christian while packing her weapons and some of his in a bag while throwing him his backpack for his laptop and whatever else he needed to bring along with him. [color=c23023][b]"Okay. I'll meet you out front."[/b][/color] She leaned in to kiss his cheek but then held back and diverted her eyes and grabbed the dagger. [color=c23023][b]"Can't forget this baby."[/b][/color] Amanda had confidence in this assignment and knew that no one would come looking for her since she was taking a break but you could never be too sure.[/indent][/indent]