[@Overlord24] [@Polaris North] [@Dark Light] [@pkken] Koga would turn to look back at Avary as he climbed over a fairly sized tree root that is very noticeable. "Experimenting is how you develop new techniques... and find out thing you never knew before about your summon" he states "some of your lowest grade summons probably are fairly new to themselves so they don't even know what all they can do for you" he states "but you can just experiment willy nilly, because it's dangerous" he tells all of them returning his facing to the front to lead them through the obstacles of the forest "when your capable of being able to use your summoning magic to a reasonable degree you will be allowed to experiment but you still have to inform us of what you plan to do so we can see how dangerous it is.. both for yourself and your surroundings" he says "or maybe even find ways to for you to experiment without actually using your magic, by making you experience what you plan on doing which could later help you instinctively" he states "we have various places set up through the grounds for students to experiment at as to not cause harm to anyone around them by isolating them" he sigh some "but yet again doesn't mean you can just go and experiment just because you want to, you need to be completely ready, and have our permission"