[center][URL=http://s174.photobucket.com/user/Zenith-001/media/MEU/CopyofUSS_Enterprise_approaches_Earth_Spacedock.jpg.html][IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w93/Zenith-001/MEU/CopyofUSS_Enterprise_approaches_Earth_Spacedock.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [color=ed1c24][b][h1]Kilik Station[/h1][/b][/color] A center hub of activity in the Prometheus system, this Space Station has become a staging ground for many people, many groups from mercenaries to galactic law, to even international crime lords, have made a base at this station because of it's prime activity. The station is divided into 4 sections, The residence section which is set up on the top layer of the station, made to look like an actual city. This is where most residents live, and where multiple entertainment work places are like clubs and so on. The Mall section, this is a multi-tier area full of shops of various kinds. even including some very shady places should you be able to find them. The Worker section, this section is full of various work places for various jobs, from the scientists to engineers, and more. This is where their work places reside. Then the Hanger and Cargo section, there is various cargo holds for storage from shop goods, to simply goods that are heading back out to a new location, while the hangers consist of 4 opened areas, 2 made for small and medium sized ships these hanger can hold a great number of ships of theses sizes then there are two hangers for large ships, because of their size the hangers tend to not be able to hold much. Besides these hangers there is docking tubes for ship that can't get a docking spot, or is to big for one of the hangers. Kilik Station is currently orbiting the Jungle planet Vazoon, which is has various wild life along with flora and fauna which are being studied by scientists in order to see if anything could be useful for future journeys. [/center] [hider=Planets and Solar Systems] [hider=Sylu System] Sydan and Sielu, the twin stars at the center of this system. All the planets orbit in a wide ellipse around them. They are each significantly smaller than the sun, and are of nearly equal mass. Balazan This small, rocky planet is the closest to Sydan and Sielu. It has a thin atmosphere and somewhat low gravity. There are no permanent ice caps, but there are fresh water springs that create lakes in the planet’s many valleys, creating oases in the craggy landscape. It is around such oases that dense forests grow and villages form. Balazan is the home of the Almysts, a pious race of avian-humanoids. Balazan has no moons. [/hider] [hider=Khosi system] Ankhos is the small but dense blue star at the center of the Khosi system. Nuo This large planet is covered in large forested flatlands and deep, dark oceans. The weather is known for being pleasant and mild. The inhabitants of this planet, the Seluzu, are among the wealthiest being in the galaxy. This is due largely to the richness of the planet; there are deep mines for crystals and minerals used for technology all across the Kuth arm, the soil is perfect for growing all manner of crops, and the beautiful seas are full of oil, greatly valued by Terrans. The inhabitants of Nuo live in large metropolitan cities that line the coasts and smaller inland farming villages. Nuo has one meteor-lke moon called Shira. [/hider] [hider=Inuba system] Ibanuba is that gigantic red star at the center of the Inuba system. Within the next few hundred years, Ibanuba is expected to explode into a supernova. Vankila The third and final habitable planet in the Sylu system is the massive but cold and mountainous world of Vankila. The northern and southern lights are stunningly beautiful on Vankila, but because of the brutal cold almost no one has ever seen them. This planet is home to the Zarats, whose population is smaller than any other race in the system. Much of the planet is covered in glaciers, even at the planet’s equator. Massive oceans full of rare resources and creatures lie beneath the icy surface of this planet. Across the glaciers are indescribable monsters, few of which have been scientifically documented but many of which are spoken of in local myths. The icy terrain is dotted with prisons, which are what the planet is most well known for; the prisons on Vankila are harsh and nearly inescapable. Vankilla legendarily had moons, but they have since crumbled and formed rings around the planet. [/hider] [/hider] [Hider=Factions] [hider=Titan Eclipse Merc Company] A group of people who travel within a single ship called the Titan eclipse, they have affected much throughout the galaxy from saving it from eternal war, even interfering in things that had nothing to do with them. They rarely payment for their actions, they would accept any reward but did not ask nor require it. Their leader Drake always found ways through many situations that others would never dream of survival. They even participated in ending the Cybertronian War. -Current status Unknown (more of a reference to an old group I roleplayed with) [/hider] [hider=Talon Merc Company] The Talon Mercenaries is a company of mercs who will do nearly any job as long as compensation is in store for them. They accept nearly any member into their ranks, they only require that the member not have a bounty on their heads of some kind, otherwise they would turn the recruit in themselves for the bounty. They are currently based down at Kilik station in hopes of finding new work and employment in this new section of the universe. [/hider] [hider=Ballick Crime Family] The Ballick Crime family is well known throughout most galaxies, they have dealt in primarily Drugs and Smuggling. Even though they are a crime family they aren't entirely heartless for they will do smuggling jobs to save worlds that are unable to receive supplies. But they only do so if enough money is involved. The only reason they have yet to be caught and captured by the mercs or the police, is because of their connections and their few times helping a planet. They have also Set up a hidden ring on the Kilik station in the back alleys of the Mall section. [/hider] Galactic Security Forces - A galactic Police force basically (more to add as their made) [/hider] [Hider=Races] [hider=Human and human sub races] Humans/terran - Classic known group of Humans Psionic Human - Humans who have developed Pisonic abilities through science and evolution. was labeled differently by regular humans. [/hider] [hider=Shifteria] A Race of beings who seem human in appearance only, these beings tend to travel alone for they are very dispersed species, at the younge age of 15 they are sent off on their own to learn of the universe and make a choice for themselves what they wish to do with their lives. Most shifteria live nomadic lives traveling from home to home, planet to planet, space station to space station. Few tend to find a place to settle down, normally only when they find something they desire. Shifteria have natural animal instincts far surpassing even most wild animals, coupled with the morph their own bodies into any creature that is not bug related they are a force to be reckoned with. Shifteria have intense protective instincts as well, you do not want to anger a Shifteria by harming it's family, if you do, you will wish you have never been born. Shifteria has a type of ritual they do before they commence any intense adult activities, called the Hunt which one mate chases the other until they are caught. [/hider] [Hider=Beserkers] This race of creatures are parasitic in nature, created in a lab they will latch onto any living thing and then mutate the body into any form they deem necessary at the time, they can only mutate their hosts once and that is when they first infest the body. The host can already be dead before they attach themselves aslong as it's brain and heart are attached they can make use of the body. These creatures tend to run on a single objective of destruction, There is only one being they would listen to and that is a 'Pure One'. The pure ones are Beserkers who do not act like parasites, they have their own body and free will created by special means. There has been no current records of a Pure one. (not an option to play as.. yet) [/hider] [hider=Cybertronian] A race of very technological advance people, who tend to either have human like or robotic appearances. They even have Creature like machines and machine like creatures as pets. They see no difference between Metal and Skin, for it is the same. One that looks human could shift it's skin to look like and feel like metal, while those who prefer robotic forms can do the opposite for it is the same substance to them. They can physically upgrade their bodies if they desired in various ways to advance their species. From injecting DNA of other's into their own bodies and finding ways to meld it to gain their abilities. To simply integrating technology into their bodies. They are very big on science and technology more so than a lot of other races. At young ages they are fused micro machines aka Nanobites that rework their bodies from a young age turning them into what they are. Cybertronians live for approximately forever depending on how well they take care of themselves, and most fatal injuries can be repaired though not every one. They are tend to be mistreated though for a faction among them long ago when they lesser evolved, and had flesh and machine separated, the machine group among them tried to take over the galaxy it was luckily stopped and sense then they have advance farther than others would of thought even with their mistreatment throughout the galaxy. [/hider] Half Breed - A race that is half breed of two other races [hider=Seluzu] Tall, thin, insect-like quadrupeds inhabit Nuo. They have a thin, iridescent exoskeleton and limpid black compound eyes. They have grayish proboscises for mouths. They have six limbs total, four arms and two legs, all of which are thin but very strong. Their torsos are likewise thin and long. They have four large, transparent dragonfly wings extending from it's thorax that enable them to fly. In recent years, the Seluzu culture has become very similar to human culture. Formerly, Seluzu were very secretive and humble, but following the introduction of Terran culture and technology, their society changed completely. Standards of beauty, ethics, morals and social conduct changed quickly and violently, resulting in what is now a confused mess of a society and a lot of tension between generations. [/hider] [hider=Zarats] The dwellers of Vankila are large, hulking, muscular humanoids. They are looked down on by other races who consider them unintelligent and primitive, and they are commonly called “orcs” (which they consider very insulting) by Terrans and Seluzu. In reality, Zarats are just as sensitive and intelligent as anyone else in the system; their rich culture is built on ancient traditions and oral history, and what to outsiders may look like barbarism is truly the practicing of ancient techniques for hunting prey and killing foes. Zarats make some of the greatest warriors in the galaxy. Zarats have tough, dust-colored skin and relatively short limbs for how large they are. Their thickly built and muscular, with large hands and feet. Their faces are often very square, with strong jawlines and short foreheads. They often have blond hair, though it can be as light as white in rare instances. Their eyes are typically a dark blue or green. Many Zaratic legends have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. They often teach a lesson or have some practical application, especially if they’re about fighting monsters. [/hider] [hider=Almysts] Avian-humanoids native to the harsh Balazan. They are rarely more than five feet tall, averaging at 4’8” (females tend to be slightly taller than males). They have long, bird-like legs and taloned feet, and their arms are relatively short and thin. Almysts have opposable thumbs and three fingers, all four of which have long talons. Long, sharp hand talons are seen as traditionally beautiful in their culture. Extending from their shoulder blades on their backs are two tiny, fleshy, vestigial wings; obviously, they are completely incapable of flying. Almysts have rough reddish skin and very sharp facial features. Their coarse hair is most commonly a dark brown, though it can be anything from black to dirty blond. Their eyes have no visible sclera, small pupils, and hazel to amber-colored irises. Almystan clothes are known for being very modest, and can be anything from flowing robes to tunics and fitted pants. Their fabrics are very breathable, which is important on a planet as brutally hot as Balazan. On their home planet, Almysts tend to settle around the planet’s fresh water lakes. They are known for being very pious, worshiping the divine known as Zyl, a massive heron-like bird said to exist between Sydan and Sielu, keeping them in perfect balance and therefore maintaining order and harmony throughout the system [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Current Huge Events] [hider=The Virus] Approximately 2 years ago to now, a mysterious virus was released into the universe unknowingly, this virus attacks organic matter turning intelligent life into mindless pure instinctive monstrosities. All those affected are naturally mutated by the virus, forms of infection have classified by various names for some victims are affected worse than others. Galactic forces try their best to isolate the virus but have been fairly unsuccessful as now over 20 known planets are infected and most of it's inhabitants are now nothing but mutated monsters. From wild life to different known races of the universe, anything that comes in contact to the virus normally falls in the matter of hours. Types of Infected: Goblin - Small average creature of various shapes, tends to be what the weakest become, goblins are easy to deal with if their not in groups Gats - normal sized creatures (like deer and so on) these things are stronger than goblin only to the point where even one can be dangerous to deal with, exercise caution, they also tend to come in varied forms. Behemoth - Colossal sized beasts of great strength, but not so much speed, these creatures could easily destroy a town should it come in their path. Locust - Bug infected creatures, extremely dangerous even with their size for they can strip something to the bone in the matter of seconds, then melt the bones with acid. Barsara - The strongest of the creatures, Taking on a Humaniod form, They retain some levels of intelligence but they are in no way their old selves. They can use any skill or ability their previous selves had. to a even higher degree than the original. These creatures tend to try to lead the others when they can, or would simply kill and devour all the others in an attempt to become stronger. They may even gain new abilities the longer they live and more infection they obtain. [/hider] [/hider] [center][color=ed1c24][h2]-Rules-[/h2][/color] 1. No fighting in the OOC, disagreements happen, but don't outright fight and ruin it for others 2. No insanely overpowered Races, Factions, or Characters. 3. This is a generally open roleplay 4. don't control other player's things 5. GM and Co-GM's will stop something if they believe it to be against the rules, inappropriate for the rp, and so on. 6. GM and CO-GM's will work with you if possible if you wish to create or do something special, but what they say in the end is final. 7. Rules are subject to change should it be required. [color=ed1c24][h3]-CS-[/h3][/color][/center] Appearance: Name: Gender: Age: Race: (pick one from pre-made list or make your own) Race Description: (if your making one describe in detail if possible or just talk with me in PM first to iron it out) Faction: (don't need to be a member of a faction can just be marked as none) Faction Description: (again only if making one) Job: Abilities: (some races have special abilities while others can be gained through other methods) Skills: (what can they do that isn't a special ability of some kind, Example: skill in using a pistol, or in selling items, hacking, etc..) Backstory: (primarily was they born on the station, or why did they come to the station or what ever) (optional) Personality: (optional) Other: (anything I have forgotten like weapons and other things) (Optional)