[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iZkeSgd.jpg?1[/img] [b]Goldas x Mary - [@j8cob][/b][/center] [indent] “Well you’re no fun,” griped Calina as she tugged on his arm playfully. Her accent was beautiful and refined, she made it easy for him to forget other things when she spoke. “Come on now, Gold, surely you have [i]one[/i] thing you want to do.” Goldas smirked a kind, wicked little thing at her words. “There's plenty I [i]want[/i] to do with you. But today is a special occasion,” He turned his eyes to the sky, hiding the slight annoyance at her hasty advancements. “Golem Hand is hosting this beautiful festival, dontcha know?” he asked with a witty undertone. Calina feigned her own annoyance, whether from him shrugging her off, or genuinely being vexed with his answer, Goldas wasn’t sure. He tenderly fingered the appealing burn over his left eye, it was ugly for sure but for some reason not many cared. He never understood that completely but neither did he find the need to question it. Only accept it just as he had done so many things before it. Calina whipped her head around feisty, turning her attention to the path ahead and puckering her lips. A [i]hmp![/i] escaped her. Goldas figured it was a whimper for attention since she had yet to unwound her arm from his. “Awe, don't be that way, Sweets,” he said pronto with convincing worry in his eyes. “Look there.” He nudged his chin towards a small hedge of greenery, behind it sat Golem’s Hand S-Rank Mary Boyce. She was a beauty if he’d ever seen one, too bad interacting with her would draw too much attention towards himself. Otherwise he might had been tempted to work some of his Gold charm on her. “How about I get you some flowers. They all look really pretty don’t they? And still none of them compare to you.” Calina reluctantly gave in to the smile that crept onto her lips. “I guess. I want ones that symbolize how you think of me.” She pulled him even closer and tightened her grasp. Her youth and innocence was so clear to him that it nearly bothered his morality. He almost wanted to break her heart for some reason. Goldas rubbed his golden, wavy locks and laughed. “Alright alright, let’s see the selection first, kay.” Soon they were at Mary's stand. Goldas hoped his name hadn’t spread too quick; he was fairly new in Harpy’s Wing. The only real hint that creeped along about his identity was the nefarious rumors that had spread about his sudden ascension to S-Rank. The new arrival that with his devastatingly powerful magic and preternatural skill … was [i]anointed[/i] the position. He walked up to the green haired stunner and flashed her his most charming smile. “Hey Mary. These plants are amazing, truly. Did you grow these yourself?” Goldas could feel Calina’s slight irritation at him. He wondered why though, after all this was the exact same charm that had lured her out with him. Why should he change his fard for a different woman. If he did… then his mask would fracture and the dark truth behind it… would be revealed. “Well,” he said before she could answer. “What’s your cup of tea today? Would you rather a strapping young man like myself or do you prefer the loneliness of the golem's hand?” Calina scoffed, Goldas only smiled. [/indent]