[@Rockerman403] Well it looks good so far. I honestly didn't expect to get a Polish immigrant type character, that is pretty interesting. All you need to do now is explain how he got to New Orleans around Mardi Gras, maybe he found a job in the city a few months ago or something. Anyway Michal is right on his way to being accepted! *EDIT My first character is finished and on the character page in case anyone wants an example. *EDIT 2 [hider=another character WIP][img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjkyMTAyNTI0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDkyNzU3NjE@._V1_.jpg[/img] Name: Samantha Anne Hebert Age: 22 Height: 5'7 Weight: 145 lbs. Occupation: College Student (Cinematography Major) Personality: Sam is a sweet girl who worries more about movies and television than anything else. She fancies herself a movie critic and is quick to point out any flaws in their making. She is also quite into nerd and pop culture. She is one of those girls who know's she is beautiful and uses that to her advantage. She is much more manipulative than anyone gives her credit for and is actually pretty cynical at times. [/hider]