[hr] [center][h1][color=662d91]Lucas Farweight[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3e/f3/5c/3ef35c28c3acf510395cf6dfffa799e9.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Room ==> Bathroom ==> Underneath the roof staircase [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Milo [@Angel Eyes] Eliana [@lovely complex] [b][u]Mood:[/u][/b] Sleepy ==> Devious and evil ==> Vengeful[/center] [hr][hr] Lucas slept in a way that could only be described as “comatose”. His covers tossed around and him on his stomach. Such way of sleeping could only come from when you have a distinct shortage of sleep. A shortage that came because he crawled in his bed at 1:30 am. The previous night, the moonless darkness demanded him to make a small stroll outside. It was something he had missed back home. The freedom. If his parents would have caught him walking outside at 1, they’d sent him up his room without much understanding. Now, the problem with such a way of sleeping was that waking up was an incredibly difficult thing to do. To do it, he set an alarm every 15 minutes. For 3 hours. At some point he must be in a lighter state of sleep. Only then his alarm would wake him up. To make sure that it would, Lucas had put up the loudest trap music he could find. And now it was playing. With a dazed mind he grabbed his phone, playing the very loud music and turn the alarm off. Only to follow it up by letting his head collapse into his pillow. He was awake, but only barely. A quick glance taught him that Jackson already left the room. Which struck Lucas as odd. In a moment of panic he grabbed his phone to double check the date. But no, today was his free day. In his zombie stated he dragged himself to one of the bathrooms. One was locked already, so he picked the other one. It was only during the brushing of his teeth that his brain booted up. Going over any plans he may have today. He didn’t have any. So then he went over what he could do. One thing stood out. Milo. The little kid has been avoiding him. But Lucas would catch him soon enough. One of Lucas’ friends had seen Milo go up towards the stairs of the roof one day. He wasn’t sure that Milo would go up there again this morning. But what’s the harm in waiting a few minutes? He quickly tested out his cocky smile in the mirror. Yep, he still had it. The overly confident smile of someone who knew exactly what they were capable of. He skipped breakfast. He wasn’t really hungry in the first place. After putting on his usual clothes; a shirt and jeans, he went upstairs and stood his vigil near the stairs. He wondered why Milo came up here. What did the roof mean to him? Lucas looked up at the stairs. Someday he might have to check it out. Maybe follow Milo up. Did the kid really think that he could have a safe spot in this school? To pass the time, he decided to read the news on his phone first. Soon it buzzed once. A text: “She’s coming up.” It felt good to have a small group of look-outs stashed away around the school. Right after that one he got a message from Gianna. Which plastered a smile over his face. For when he looked up, he saw Milo. Trying to inch away. [color=662d91]“He IS avoiding me.”[/color] Lucas said, rather quiet to himself. But very pleased. Time to instill some more terror. [color=662d91]“Milo!”[/color] he yelled for the entire hallway. In a very forceful matter he crossed the distance between the two. With a devious grin plastered all over his face. He hooked a finger in his shirt, pulling him back. He arched over him, putting even more emphasis on the height difference. [color=662d91]“You silly goose. Long time no seen!”[/color] everything he said came over as far too excited. But to make sure Milo didn’t get the idea that they were bonding, he hit him in the arm. To some it might have looked like a little, friendly hit. Like most friends do. But the truth was that he put some force in it. Nothing too hard. But it would definitely hurt. [color=662d91]“You haven’t been avoiding me, now have you?”[/color] Milo barely uttered: [color=D8BFD8]“N-No.”[/color] But Lucas inched closer now. His face cold and emotionless. He suddenly spoke far less loud, keeping everything he said between him and Milo. [color=662d91]“I hope you’ll work on your lying.”[/color] He spoke with pure venom. [color=662d91]“I would hate to be punished because you’re getting what you deserve. So when people ask, just lie, okay?”[/color] Lucas took a deep breath. It were moments like these that he wished he could hit with his powers. But on a fragile thing like Milo, it would break a bone for sure. Milo nodded ‘Yes’. [color=662d91]“Good. Cause if you didn’t, I would do something far worse than this.”[/color] Without a warning he hit Milo square in the guts. Making him buckle. Probably because the hit came as a total surprise. [color=662d91]“Now, now. No time to fall on the ground.”[/color] Lucas said cynically. As he lifted Milo back on his feet. “Now walk away, little girl.” Hitting Milo always felt good for some reason. Maybe it was the rush he got from it. He never really looked into it. Lucas almost thought that he was finished. Until he remembered the staircase. Just when Milo though he was safe, Lucas hooked up his revered shirt again. [color=662d91]“I almost forgot. Do you really think you’re going to be safe on a roof? I just found your hiding spot, baby-face. I’ll know where to find you now.”[/color] He all said it with his devious grin again. Lucas liked pretending to be the devil himself. Making people feel unsafe. Constantly. He had noticed then that Milo wore his shirt backwards, and snickered a little. Yet chose not to mention it. Let him embarrass himself a little today he thought. [color=DarkCyan]“Well, aren't you a damn [b]coward[/b].”[/color] Lucas looked up, releasing his grip on Milo. He was done with him anyway. [color=662d91]“Oh look who showed up. The nightmare bitch. Here to protect another sister?”[/color] he jabbed at her. It took most of his self-control not to summon up his powers. The only reason he didn’t was because he knew he would lose the fight. Eventually, she would put him under. Lucas’ phone buzzed again. A text, but he had no time to check it yet. First he needed to get out of the standoff with the girl he hated so much after a month already. Slowly he started closing the distance. [color=662d91]“Don’t you ever get tired of all that protecting? They’ll never learn to stand up for themselves this way.”[/color] His words were meant to cut. He was tempted to mention the roofies again. But he knew that would push her over the edge. Sleeping and having nightmares half the day wasn’t going to fit in his agenda. Instead, he kept inching closer to her. Trying to find her edge and dance on it. He already forgot Milo completely. She was his prey now. [color=662d91]“Look at you. All strong. A bastion for the weak who can do nothing but stay weak.”[/color] He said the words: ‘stay weak’ with a very distinct disgust in his voice. Now he was standing the borders of her personal space. Watching her. This time not with cold eyes of disgust he gave Milo. He looked at her with fire. [color=662d91]"You're just as bad as them."[/color] Now, pretty sure that her attention was fixed at her face, he made small, quick jab with his fist. It was a small move, but with the quickly summoned energy it launched a small Star force projectile. Straight at the book she was holding.