[hr][hr][center][h1][color=868324]Jackson Hunt[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hsQiIaa.jpg [/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Control Room [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Harold [@Beefydork] Jessica [@FacePunch] Samantha indirectly (like he mentions her once) [b][u]Mood:[/u][/b] Calm[hr] As Jackson sat down in his chair, he realized that he probably should've brought some more appropriate clothes. Harold looked like he was ready for a workout, while he was wearing a wrinkled plaid button down found on his floor and a pair of obviously stained jeans. [i]Well, I was in a hurry this morning, and it can't be helped.[/i] He was pulled out of a momentary daze of self-consciousness by a response from Harold. "[color=FFD75B][b]I'm pretty sure you're not the only one. There are more people in this academy that are unorganized and incompetent like yourself.[/b][/color]" Jack shot him a questioning look at the odd response and was about to respond when Jessica walked through the door. He decided to put it out of his mind for now; he didn't need to be in a bad mood this early in the morning. "[b][color=868324]Hey, Jessica,[/color][/b]" he said with a small smile on his face. The control room was quickly getting crowded, and from the expressions on everyone's faces, they all had assumed and hoped that it was going to be empty, including himself. Nevertheless, Jack thought that he should try and talk to these two. He didn't have many close friends at the school, and they had always seemed like nice people to him. "[color=FFD57B][b]How about this, um... this weather lately?[/b][/color]" Harold asked, clearly not sure how to proceed with the conversation between the three. At this same moment, Jack understood his earlier comment. [i]Harold's not trying to be rude. He just gets that this stuff isn't his strong suit. Just like myself, I suppose.[/i] Still, there was still a chance to turn this awkward encounter into some sort of conversation, and Jack wanted to take it. "[b][color=868324]Well, it's not raining, and it's not too hot. As long as those criteria are met, I'm happy with whatever weather Mother Hurricane throws at us. I'll have to thank her later,[/color][/b]" he said with a smile. With that said, he turned to a topic that he hoped would actually be interesting to the two. "[b][color=868324]So, what exactly got you two into the control room on a weekend? I know that you'd have to work hard to convince me to come here even if it's on my schedule.[/color][/b]" He was starting to lament the fact that precious time in the control room was being wasted with small talk until a thought crossed his mind. [i]Who says that I can't have a conversation and practice controlling my powers at the same time? Well, emphasis on time, I suppose. Haha.[/i]Jack realized that he should probably use the control room while he had it. Before either of them were able to respond to his question, he closed his eyes and felt time slowly stop as every sound around him slowed until he couldn't hear it at all. When his eyes opened, he said to himself, "[b][color=868324]It never ceases to amaze me.[/color][/b]" Indeed, it never did. Whenever Jack used his abilities, it always took his breath away. Well, figuratively and literally, as technically, he wasn't breathing when he stopped time, and his heart didn't beat either. Yet, his body didn't have the time to register this fact because, at least momentarily, time didn't exist. Somehow, he was still able to see time "pass" in these moments, which gave him his powers in the first place. There was still a lot that he didn't know about his powers, but he never focused on what he didn't know, rather on what was in front of his face. The silence, the motionless surroundings, everything somehow falling into a place where it would only stay for milliseconds. Jack stood up and walked around the room, taking a close look of his surroundings and peers. There was a beauty in everything when it was simply silent and unmoving. Of course, there was a fine line between grateful observation and extremely creepy observation when time was stopped, so he gave them the common courtesy of sitting back down in his chair before focusing his thoughts and starting time again, feeling much calmer than before.[/center]