The shadow fell like puppets against Katerina's new-found strength. Now it was apparent, they were truly no longer a threat to her, and the more they fell, the more desperate their escape. Their screeching cries resounded throughout the dead plains, and they spread out in panic. As she chased down the shades, a low rumble began to sound from all around the girls. At first, it was faint, barely audible, however, it quickly grew into a resounding chorus of growls and groans. From all around them, shades of different sizes began to appear. They crawled out from under the ground, swooped in from the sky like black droplets of rain, and ran over the hills. The small army of shades were starving, and now that the girls had changed, it seemed they were even more enticing a meal than before. They surrounded the girls, and just as the wave of darkness close in on them, a flash of silver dropped right into where they were thickest. The flash was followed by a shockwave of epic proportions, sending the shades scattering in all directions. In this one instance alone, near half of the shades died through the sheer force exhibited. Then, followed by that, a second flash of orange dropped into the remaining shades, sending a similar shockwave through the air. Those caught in its radius combusted instantly into brilliant orange flames, and they dropped to the ground, screeching in agony as they were reduced to nothing but ashes. A third, purple, flash landed right in the middle of the girls. It was accompanied by no chorus of power, no explosion, or even so much as a light "thud" on the ground. Instead, it brought with it a girl. Her short chopped hair was ebony black, and her eyes a bright green. She stood much shorter than anyone else present, and yet she held a kind of presence that made her presence larger than life. Her body was disciplined and taut, ready to move at a seconds notice. In her arms she held a swords as longer than she was, and about half as wide. She was dressed similarly to the other girl, however this outfit was more of an armor than the last one. In comparison, this girls outfit was much bulkier, and colored purple. The girl looked about . . . then broke into a huge grin. [color=ed145b]"Holy shit, no ones dead! Tia, Renfred, this is great!" [/color] Now, the dust caused by the landings had cleared, revealing two girls in their place. One held on to long silver staff, while the other brandished an axe that looked like it was made out of bone, then doused in crude oil and set on fire. The two girls got up from their crouched stance on the ground and turned to face the one dressed in purple. Their reactions were varied. [color=f7941d]"Holy crap you're right!"[/color] [color=39b54a]"So I see. How fortunate."[/color] The girl in purple stepped forward, looking at all the girls. An awkward silence descended on them as none of them could find the words to say. [color=ed145b]"So, uh, I suppose introductions are in order? I'm Cleo-"[/color] [color=39b54a]"We don't have time for this,"[/color] interrupted the girl dressed in green. She shot a glare towards the girls. [color=39b54a]"Which one of you ate the Shadows flesh?"[/color] [@banjoanjo]-[@Stern Algorithm]-[@Flamelord]-[@Tombprince]-[@Blight Bug]