A tremendous paw toyed the soil beneath it, each digit nearly as thick as a man's fist tensed gently in underlying thought. It was a subtle gesture, so subtle that the kind of men were unlikely to notice it, but those that could would have read it with an understanding that was as clear as day; the great cat was curious. While not unsure how to proceed, it certainly did not expect this - this small blind girl who laid blank eyes upon him, her sight having clearly been long since robbed. This turn of events was indeed as strange as it had perceived, but deeper intuition suggesting there was far, far more to come yet with this one. She drew closer, seemingly unafraid of the strange voice and aura that filled the ambiance of the night, that which accompanied the resplendent figure of primeval kind. By some means, she looked upon the leviathan, almost as though she [i]could[/i] truly see it, and if she were to look upon its spirit there would be a divine radiance that would set the figure apart from the night like nothing else; a corona of ghostly white and gold fire would surround its form, drawn up from its soul. It breathed power like a settling mist, but not for a moment did it seem compelled to show its might in spite of the strangeness of this all. [i]"Is this such a dangerous place then, mister? I did not know, I haven't been away from home much."[/i] Her soft voice spoke of innocence... certainly no trespasser or worse and her demeanor was just as curious as it was legitimate. [i]"If it is indeed dangerous, than what are you doing here as well?"[/i] There drew a brief silence as the thick neck and mane guided itself toward the moon's ever waning light of the night, dimly lit eyes gazing upon it as the two basked in its glory. It knew that the girl truthfully had the answer as it was, but it would grace her with words spoken strangely in her tongue. Still and yet, it did not look away from the lunar body or its faint halo of light, rumbling the air of its tone while it replied. [i]"Some dangers are greater than others..."[/i] It began simply, exhaling while it mused, [i]"Some flee them... some of us are them."[/i] [i]"But there are always more dangerous things, small one."[/i] The unearthly voice continued before returning its attention to the young woman before it. [i]"A shadow has fallen upon our world, one of terrible will and even more terrible might. It has claimed and taken that which is not of its domain, so in retribution, it must now pay the price of disturbing the order of things as they are. That is why I am here, but these matters do not concern you, at least not yet. What should concern you is, why are [b]you[/b] here?"[/i] [@Ojo chan 42]