[center][h1][color=f49ac2]Tanizaki Kagami[/color][/h1][/center] The girl had finally put on some spare clothes she had, and passed some more to the other naked girl. It still unnerved me how she had suddenly become healthy after that wound. I couldn't speak to her and just bowed. The attention went back to the fleeing shades. The last girl was causing a small riot all by herself, that was when other shades started to rise up all around us. Two beams fell into the greatest group of them. they pretty much destroyed all the shades and a third fell in our midst. The three newcomers seemed so much more frightening than the shades. I thought I was scared before, but these three that killed the lot with so much ease. just like the other in the blue ballgown. At least I had their names Tia and Renfred and the purple one was Cleo. [color=39b54a]"We don't have time for this,"[/color] interrupted the girl dressed in green. She shot a glare towards the girls. [color=39b54a]"Which one of you ate the Shadows flesh?"[/color] I was just too fearful, I shook my head in a negative and backed away a step.