[center][h3]Leonidas the First of Agiad/Sparta[/h3][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 7 [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown [b]Height:[/b] 3'8" [b]Weight:[/b] 47 lbs. [b]Physique:[/b] His physique is misleading. Appearing small and frail, he is often underestimated by his opponents. [b]Complexion:[/b] Olive [b]Immunities:[/b] Infection, parasites, and the cold. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Leon is naive. This naivety having cost him his life in the past. Perhaps too caught up in command, he was unable to see Ephiaites’s betrayal and the vulnerable hole in his defense at the rear of his formation. [b]Titles & Feats[/b]: None [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Leon is a quiet boy due to his head always being in the clouds. He is a daydreamer and he will speak when spoken to often proving to be a friendly person. He carries a lot of pride and self-esteem and doesn't like when those two characteristics are challenged. Even when faced with impossible odds, Leon's courage and determination to succeed shine true to the end. [b]Psychological/Social Issues[/b]: He isn't very good at understanding sarcasm and he takes most claims as truth. This makes him seem rather naive or not well-versed in the social amusements of the later generations. [b]Appearance[/b]: Like the rest of the child laborers, Leon's head was shaved of his dark and curly brown hair. He is one of the shortest boys in the group as well as the fiercest when it comes to combat. Straps of cloth are tied about his knuckles and feet to protect them when he is hammering them against an opponent's face. He wears shorts made of itchy sackcloth. [b]Natural Abilities[/b]: [list][*][b]Resilient[/b] – Leon was able to survive the rigorous hoplite training in his past life. His physical and mental toughness are to be rivaled. [*][b]Predator[/b] – He has been able to see the hole in the enemy’s defense. One on one; this ability is advantageous, against an army, it relies on the abilities and faith of his own soldiers.[/list] [b]Power[/b]: [i]Extraordinary Strength[/i] – Mentally and physically, Leon has demonstrated a strength that is above average for a human. Greek historian Herodotus believed his family to be descendants of Hercules, which can be traced back 20 generations. It is perhaps this bloodline that gives Leon his tenacity. [b]Companion[/b]: None at this time. [b]Relations:[/b] [i]Open for relations.[/i] [hr] All right; I got my CS up. I PMed several of the old Rpers from the first game in case they didn't see this one or my message. I'll keep trying to recruit to get us more interest as well as start to map out the IC just so it is there for reference.