[@HushedWhispers] [@lovely complex] Awwww, it'll really suck to see this go! D: I agree with Fabricant's suggestion, and my own ones regard things you can do if you ever decide to try this again. Firstly, I'd suggest having a manageable number of [i]reliable[/i] users (say, 10 or 12) you can join, and to make sure that they will be active. Second, maybe limit the amount of characters each user makes? Because it seems that people got too excited making more and more charries and couldn't handle them in the end. I know some people are perfectly capable of balancing a few characters at once, but I feel that maybe a limited number helps them focus on the ones they have and thus limits their chances of dropping. If this has to be closed and it ever reboots, please make sure to let me know! :D