Name: Misha / "Amethyst" Owned by: xiaomiao Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Amethyst is a short, rather wiry girl with straight, mousy brown hair that hangs down a little past her shoulder blades and light blue-grey eyes. She has freckles over pale skin, usually streaked with dirt. Personality: She may be small in stature, but her fiery and often overconfident disposition balances balances out what she lacks in appearance.. She can be rather unpleasant due to her tendency to be judgmental and brutally honest, but underneath her outward personality she is loving and loyal. She is somewhat impulsive and generally lets her underlying rage and rampant emotion drive her rather than favoring reason and empathy. Rank: Fighter Group: Brom Animal: Tabby cat Weapon and Fighting style: Amethyst uses a blunt kitchen knife and quick, light-footed action to fight. She is small and is easy to overpower, which comes to her disadvantage as she often rushes into conflict and tries win with brute force she simply does not possess. Other: She has a complicated relationship with Kianna. HERE YOU GO lmk if anything needs to be changed