[quote=@Vilageidiotx] Now I'm saying this as someone who thinks there is still a future for Nuclear energy, but I feel it has to be addressed since it is the Elephant in the room. Chernobyl and Fukushima. It's difficult to write those off. I've give you that those are imperfect situations, but imperfect situations have to be expected when dealing with people. A badly designed coal plant or solar farm isn't going to irradiate any significant area. [/quote] Chernobyl and Fukushima were what he was referring to, or so I imagine. He didn't say "three" so I imagine Three Mile Island was ignored. But the lessons from either are pretty easy to determine. One is to not be Soviet and the other isn't to build on fault-lines or in range of tsunamis. Both are pretty easy to not do all-in-all and we're unlikely to have a disaster as major as Chernobyl in the future, which was much more a result of faulty bureaucratic practices than the sloppy engineering of the reactor at the time. Of particular fun note of Chernobyl is that every engineer in the room was strongly against running the test that melted the reactor down at that time, but the lead engineer in the room at the time wanted to cut corners to get it down. Then wanted to cut additional corners as the disaster progressed in a vein attempt to save his face so he can have the part promotion he was promised that year. It was in the Soviet case a severe lack of oversight that also exposed a severe fault in Soviet nuclear design that they would have otherwise denied until something else happened.