[@SleepingSilence] Well I read some of it, you are pointing out the holes in goverment run programs. I agree, there are holes in the government, they could improve vastly. I'm not a socialist, I'm a moderate capitalist. But I believe in the balance between authority or liberty, I tend not to deal in extremes. But where you seem to be consistently messing up is misrepresenting my position (strawman-ing) and calling me a troll. I repeat for the 3rd of 4th time, someone disagreeing with you or making a smartass comment about an ideology isn't trolling, you throw that word around WAY too much. Trolling is saying something for no other reason than to piss someone off. Just because me making fun of Stefan Molyneux seems to get you incredibly riled up it doesn't mean I'm trolling you or him. I'm attacking an ideology. I also make fun of Stefan for acting like a goddamn cult leader because he does. But that's not TROLLING, I'm not trying to piss him off, because he will never read this, the only one in this entire thread who is upset when I joke about Stefan is you. If you feel that sensitive about an attack on his character then that's something you'll have to come to terms with on your own, I don't know what to tell ya. [hider=Now make like Molyneux and Smile] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-28-2014/3MLgke.gif[/img] [/hider] [quote=@Vilageidiotx] [@Dynamo Frokane] Regarding above... you shat in your bed, now you gotta lie in it. I ain't gonna read thirty links of aristocratic apologetics to come up with some sort of rebuttal. [b]Not when i can look at memes and pretend to be busy. [/b] [/quote] As you see, I can do both.