[@Vilageidiotx] Well I couldn't even pretend to be busy, my whole weekend was screwed up. So I literally had nothing better to do. #NoLife (I mean I was listening to music, so at least I was multitasking. <.<) [quote=@Vilageidiotx] ...To come up with some sort of rebuttal. Not when i can look at memes and pretend to be busy. [/quote] [hider=In case you were being serious.] I'll throw ya bone, if you want to rebutt what I wrote. Fuck going through all of it, You only need to do two things. Explain, why the Post Office is the perfect example of government efficiency. (and is not a completely bankrupt, 100 billion in debt and nearly obsolete program, and how government taxing emails to fund the post office is a good idea.) And how that in anyway helps/or even correlates to the argument of socialism in medicine... I implore you, [b]please[/b] don't try... [/hider]