Finally finished the little blighter, one CS straight from the oven. [hider=Sera Kennithson] [centre][b]Name:[/b] Pilot Sera Kennithson [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider][img][/img][/hider] Sere stands at a mere 5’0” and is the holder of a slim, almost fragile looking build – that of someone more suited to being crammed into small spaces rather than fighting on the front lines. [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Background:[/b] Sera was born to a mother and a father on Babel Space Station – only to be given up to an adoption agency. Her first two years were in the stations orphanage, until she was taken in by who she now considers to be her real parents – her two mothers. Apart from them being two women, her parents were fairly normal, one was a professor at the local college teaching medical sciences and the other a cook in one of the stations less popular restaurants. Difficult is no way to describe Sera’s life, it wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination, but like most children she drifted through her early years without much of a thought as to the world, spending her time fascinated by those who worked on the Frigates out in the never-ending blackness of the infinite void. When the time came to choose a career path, Sera made a rather risky choice in becoming a pilot. This wasn’t risky per se because she might end up dying in a horrifying accident. More so because that involved going into the Institute of Space Exploration. Something which, up until that point she showed no ability to be able to endure what would be needed of her – meaning she risked being kicked out and being out of a career for a while longer. However, despite this she tackled her dream head on. And oh boy, did she endure those years. It took a while, but she turned a rate of failure around on itself and – by some miracle – managed to cling on for the duration of the training. Graduating a fully-fledged pilot. By no means a prodigy of the theory, but when it came to handling a ship she was damn good. So there she was, a pilot through and through. Sera piloted a frigate or two for a few years, waiting until something really exciting popped up – and it did eventually. The Apollo project, where she was to become the pilot of Apollo 3 – codename, Pathfinder. [b]Personality:[/b] Sera is a person of two different personalities, when she’s hanging around and not doing anything of great importance she’s witty, talkative and a positive beam of energy. People have described her as a social butterfly if they didn’t know her professionally- she always seemed to be a part of some conversation or event. Those who know Sera as a pilot and nothing else however, have come to describe her as cold, calculating and with an impenetrable exterior that makes her appear to be downright anti-social as she becomes absorbed in her work. Not that it’s a bad set of qualities to have when taking advantage of high-G manoeuvres – you don’t want to be distracted by your shipmates antics. But during the slower parts of a voyage it can prove to be an annoyance. [b]Equipment:[/b] Lightweight battle armour – better suited to not being shot rather than the alternative. A hair-trigger Sparrow Pistol – Low firepower, large magazine. Semi-automatic but a fast trigger finger can unload a hellfire of shots in a panic. Mk3 Taurus Shotgun – Small clip, high impact damage. Shreds through flesh and armour Indiscriminately. Pair of binoculars – Lets you see things that are faraway. Like your rowing neighbours. [b]Strengths:[/b] Blink and you’ll miss it – No pilot should be slow on the mark, but precious few have the reaction times of Sera. Not that anything in space is particularly close to anything else, but Sera can confidently skim past any old asteroid in her path – and if the Kessler run did exist, she likes to think she could shave another Parsec or two off the record distance. Good memory – Flying around the universe is difficult, as is walking on extra-terrestrial soil. You don’t just get handed a map, so you need to rely on remembering things you’ve already seen to navigate – thankfully Sera has a firm grip on this. Ever so charismatic – Keeping people calm is a gift in itself, and it’s one Sera learned the hard way. Shouting shut the fuck up, while effective doesn’t do it’s best to distil fear in the rest of the crew when two thrusters are down and your flying blind. Having the charisma to convince everyone else that you know exactly what to do is always a big help. Seasoned Chef – Well, maybe not seasoned in the way that Gordon Ramsay is, more so the way that your mother’s ratatouille makes her a seasoned chef. Sera knows her was around a frying pan, baking tray and just about any utensil in the kitchen. She makes good food is the long and short of it, meaning if she isn’t flying and eating in the cockpit, she’s happy to volunteer for the role of cook for the night. [b]Weakness:[/b] She shoots, she misses – Sera’s aim is lacklustre, she couldn’t get a headshot if the target was sat right next to her – okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration. But she certainly isn’t going to be killing anything that isn’t in a short range, hence her choice of weaponry. “Turn it off and on again” – Sera can’t fix anything for shit. Nav system failing? She’ll reboot the crap out of it until someone who understands the systems comes around to help her. She’s also quite prone to breaking things, especially if they have a vaguely important purpose. Hence why she is essentially banned from the engine room. Sink, not swim – Swimming isn’t something Sera does. Mostly due to her abnormal fear of water, and not in a “That’s creepy and just a little off-putting way” in the “OH FUCK WHY, HOLY SHIT TAKE IT AWAY” way. To the point that bathing is a length and difficult task, that is usually put down to wet wipes for as long as she can help it. Tunnel Vision – While a godsend if your flying through a meteor storm without and your nav systems have broken down, it can cause issues if you become as focused on a task as Sera does. For example, if your commanding officer calls in for a change of course and you entirely blank it. [b]Speech Color:[/b] [b][color=00a651]Speech[/color][/b] [i][b][color=00a651]Thoughts[/color][/b][/i] [b]Other:[/b] Anything that you can't really put in any of these categories would go here.[/centre] [/hider]