Winnie was happy that Shakti accepted her gifts with gratefulness, unlike a certain Japanese girl whose name started with "K" and probably ended with "an't appreciate someone else's hard work even if it kicked her in the butt". She nodded when Shakti declined the shoes (she'd have to ask about the barefoot thing in India later, it sounded interesting). Winnie didn't have enough spare clothing to give to the Russian girl when she would come back from her slaughter though. She contemplated the problem until the shades respawned. Oh boy, she was not looking forward to getting slashed up by those monsters again. She swallowed nervously and her hand unconsciously went up to her still-intact torso. Luckily she didn't have to do anything. A bunch of superpowered girls swept through the pack like they were nothing, sending shockwaves and flames all around. Winnie was astonished. It was just like the cartoons! They were so cool, even if the green one was a bit snappy. Camila gave them a quick recap. "We didn't eat it. The ones who are or were, naked did. You wouldn't have a set of spare clothes woulda? Only enough for the two and another needs them." Winnie stepped forward too. [color=7bcdc8]"Yeah, I ate some. Only a tiny bit though. I didn't really have a choice, I was slashed up real bad by those shades. Also Camila's got a point, we could really use some spare clothes."[/color]