[center][h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/8nAHSFh.png[/img][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://assets.teenvogue.com/photos/56ba679d903697ad55803ccc/master/pass/Screen%20Shot%202016-02-09%20at%205.21.10%20PM.png[/img][hr] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Control Room [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Jackson ([@SomewhatAverage]) & Jessica ([@FacePunch]) [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Reserved → Composed[/center] [center]Thank the Lord for Jackson. Harold could feel his heart easing in it's rapid beats. Jackson even made a joke about Samantha and the nickname she hated, Harold still chuckled. Samantha is like a big sister to him and he respects her, but whenever someone calls her a nickname she displeases he can't help but laugh at her rage. Following that joke he asked what Jessica and Harold were planning to do in the control room. Harold was holding back his sarcastic remark because he was doing a swell job in not being a prick to the two and he wanted to keep it that way. Listening to Jessica's response he thought, [color=FFD75B]Really? The control room is your second home?[/color] This place usually smelt like ass and testosterone, people threw their water bottles in the corner and left feeling indifferent about their mess. Obscure grunts and the puddles of sweat that laid on the ground which occasionally cause people to trip. That last one is very amusing to see actually. And this was her second home? Really the question was dumb, what do people usually do in the control room, have brunch? Harold came here to train like any other superhuman that walked through those doors. Is that what a conversation starter is supposed to be? A mindless question where the person most likely already knows the answer to? Still it's better than what he produced. Lost in his own thoughts and paying little attention to the conversation, he still tried to keep eye contact with Jessica until he was distracted by Jackson who was sitting down in a chair instead of standing like before. If this was a cartoon, question marks would appear over Harold's head and start to pop away as he realized what just happened. It's a good thing he did that, Harold's thoughts were beginning to become more and more meaningless. When that happens he usually blurts them out, resulting in stares and murmurs. Once again, thank the Lord for Jackson. His abilities are fascinating, but he didn't whisper or even tell him that. Compliments to him are easier to say to women and not men, is that weird? The control room started to feel more like a coffee room where people would make small talk and less of a work out area. It was noticeable Harold wasn't saying a single word anymore, he was mute. It's like everything that was coming up in his brain to contribute to the conversation was either impolite or awkward. Staying silent seemed like the best option. [color=silver]"Uh, why don't we head inside? We can finish this while we're- unless you don't want to. Keep talking, I mean. We don't have to. Not that I don't enjoy this, but-"[/color] Jessica stammered, and then pushed through the doors asking if the boys were coming. Harold snickered, [color=FFD75B]"That was actually a bit painful."[/color] That wasn't too bad, right? He waltzed over to the doors, pushing one out with his hand and gripping the side, [color=FFD75B]"I don't mind working on my socializing skills."[/color] He smirked.[/center]