[b][center]K Y O S H I S Q U A D 12 L I E U T E N A N T[/center] [/b] Darkness of her long slumber was a peaceful one to say the least, then again it always was after a upgrade like the one she got recently. The activity of her body connecting and adapting the new hardware was always a process her personality and intelligence were not really needed. So she could fully relax within the bay that she was in, the small bed that also connected to her body for readings and the like. No one would have ever thought of such technology back in the days, even in her days this tech was only just becoming a thing within the lab, super secret stuff but now here she was laying on it and waiting for her reboot to be done... Wow, what a odd term she used for herself huh? It was only when she heard a noise of someone leaving that she opened her eyes slightly, noticing that Juki was taking a stroll she decided to speed up the process a little. Opening her eyes fully she stepped off the bed and stretched, though her artificial body did not need to be stretched like that she just still had old habits! Dashing off towards the entrance to the lab she started to follow after her captain, wondering what he was doing today... maybe a super secret experiment, or a new weapon or... he could be playing with the birds... She would wait, wondering when the bird would leave or her captain would blink, but if too much time passed she would move onto the grass and start walking up. "So, quitting? Going all hippy on us? That is fine, just remember who to give captain rank too alright" She snickered and made her way closer. [@Kurisa]