Now that they are truly alone, Kenshin turned to the group and said [color=a187be]"Welcome. To Hell. This is where our mission will take place if you haven't guessed it. Yes, this is strictly forbidden by the Gotei 13 and Central 46. However, it needs to be done. I don't know if you had heard but eons past, Hell was conquered by a mad man and placed under the control of Gotei 13. Since, the powers of hell has gotten stronger and more reckless. Their newest king has decided to raise a coup and attempt to strike out at the Soul Society. It is likely that the Captain Commander has received whispers of this transgression. However, regardless of that fact, we're here to put them back in their place. Oh, and welcome to your first mission, Rei. I do hope you enjoy yourself."[/color] He finished with a grin. Looking out in front of them, they would see a vast expanse of space filled with white floating blocks. Upon those blocks, there seems to be small moving dots. [color=a187be]"Those dots, those are Sinners, or Togabito. Rei, I think they taught you about them briefly in the Academy. Essentially, they are souls of beings so evil they could not be sent to Soul Society after their death and thus are sent here to atone for their sins. These, these sinners have given up hope and have simply accepted their fate. Over there, those large masses, those are the Kushanda. The keepers of Hell. They patrol and punish the sinners by eating them..."[/color] As soon as he turned to look at one of the Kushanada, it would seem like it caught their presence and turned towards their group. [color=a187be]"Uh oh, they found us. Rei, this would be a good time to draw your sword...."[/color] He turned to look at the other captain, giving a small nod as he drew his own sword. [color=a187be]"No one will be harmed by our reiatsu here Eel-San. This is truly a place for the Sword and Shield of Soul Society to let loose..."[/color] He said, a crazed smile on his face. His left hand, crackling with his reiatsu reached out and touched the right shoulder of his third seat. [color=a187be]"I'll lend you some of my reiatsu, that way, our reiatsu won't hurt you. Beside, you'll be a little stronger, if not wilder, with it..."[/color] As he increased his reiatsu output to about 65%, it would seem as if the presence of such pure and massive reiatsu had attracted the mass of Kushanada that is around. [color=a187be]"There seems to be a few more of them coming towards us. Lets...give them Hell."[/color] He said, sword in his right hand and a blood-thristy grin on his face... [@ProPro][@AbigailTenshi]