"Zree, tchu..." Fixer not even bothered himself in pressing a button dramatically. His Verbobrain made a quick nano-seconds lasting thought, and the screen turned yellow. He needed the main arms to stay braced to the seat. The cannons roared, the shields activated and the engines shouted as hell-envoys. Luckyly, the easier way to board a Koenysar was throug one side of the front section, so even if the umbilical had any magnets, they had probably been de-activated by the first Ion volley. As a mighty bird, the ship showed its claws and fought to escape quickly: the remaining cargo and probably all the passengers -but for Jacque and Krus, maybe, because they had been warned- got severely shaked by the surprise maneouver. Fixer hadn't even considered what a broken neck was. As the "Milano" runned away for its money, the droid felt a residual sensation of completion, as one of his former main directives -hurt the guys in white- was fulfilled. An stupid idea broke into his sensible brain. Where had him stored that audio record...? ah! yes! Just a second later, the radio-bands of everyone near the ship but the one used by the crew were filled. Filled with music, emitted from the cockpit radio: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGHW9sFtK4o[/url] OOC: -edited- Has anyone clicked on the music? And if so, why nobody has told me it was an spanish documentary about Sri Lanka?! changed now with the correct theme