[quote=@Necrophage] [hider=Avrion] Name: Avrion Race: Human Age: Appears to be in his thirties. He has forgotten his real age. (It's actually 109) Hair: His hair is stark white and kept short and kempt. He has a full beard covering a generally kind and fatherly looking face. Eyes: His eyes are piercing blue and in the dark you would notice that they let off a dim light. Physique: Avrion's physique is what you would expect of a man in his thirties that doesn't do hard work. He is thin yet healthy looking. If it weren't for his hair and some wrinkles on his face you could swear he was a man in the middle of his life. Appearance: Avrion has a gray tunic with a hood and brown cloth pants. He has a worn pair of leather boots, ones that have experienced many lands. Avrion has used and been subject to so much magic power that he barely seems like a normal man anymore. It has physically altered him, partly due to his own preference for time alteration and arcane magic. He wears a small amulet around his neck that cannot be removed, a powerful force keeps it in place. The amulet itself is far older than he is. A relic of his heritage. It is a small silver dragon head that could fit in the middle of your palm. Its eyes are tiny purple gems. Avrion carries a wooden staff that he uses mostly for traveling purposes. Personality: This man is a surprisingly kind individual. You would never imagine he would have a demon so close to his heart. Sometimes he is distant and withdrawn, an action he takes when he is grasping or coping with a current situation and thinks it through in place of panic. Where possible he avoids conflict through the use of clever magic and reason. Unfortunately Zuraat is almost a complete opposite to him and will often try to affect his thoughts and actions. Avrion does what he can to help those around him. He has a father's passion and a knight's chivalry. History: Avrion in his youth was the victim of a mage's horrifying creation. This mage was an enemy of the demons and gods that lorded over the lands and kingdoms of the world. He used an aberration of flesh to kill one of the demons that resided outside of the college town Avrion called home. Upon hearing the battle as it ripped through the forest young Avrion let it get to him and witnessed the abomination as it ripped apart a figure with blackened skin and shadow wings. The demon turned to look at Avrion and with desperation in its eyes reached out to while the abomination of flesh and magic tore a wing off. Avrion found himself with no possible means of surviving let alone killing this creature. The demon let loose a gurgled and unearthly scream that signified its end as Avrion stumbled back. Yet that demon turned to him, voiceless, its blackened throat torn asunder. It turned to him and looked him in the eyes. In that instant it was like the world became two mirrors facing each other only the demons eyes came closer in the reflection. Avrion's eyes filled with coldness - and then he lost consciousness. Then he awoke. He thought he may have certainly been dead yet the sun rose. Dried blood covered his hands and it was not his own. He felt confused until a voice he had not recognized chimed into his head. It was the demon. It had taken possession of him and used him to finish the fight with the abomination. Then to avoid making Avrion more volatile than necessary he had housed himself in his amulet. Avrion spent most of his life moving about. To summarize his life he went to a few different mage colleges, started a family and left them when they grew old enough for personal reasons. He's done pretty well for a guy that can't get away from his demon. As of recent his travels have found him in the household of one Lord Okami Yukimura. A wolf demon in the guise of a white-haired noble. In this world demons and lesser gods rule much of it. Avrion has now forgotten most of his past, what he does remember is riddled with magic-induced holes. Being thrown through unstable magical vortexes does that to you. Skills: Avrion is able to see the ley lines of the world. Magical foci, illusions and other magically based entities are visible to his altered eyes. He's magnificent at learning new spells given the opportunity to do so. Actively Avrion has the ability to draw from a magic ley line to supercharge his abilities and access to a great assortment of spells that make him an unpredictable target - but he has forgotten how to access a ley line and nearly all of his spells due to being pulled into this dimension and his memories becoming devastated by the consequences. He does remember two of them. Memories may slowly seep back in, giving him more access to his original function as a potent mage. Recompose - This spell changes the composition of material and cannot affect a living target. It is based on touch and only affects a target amount of material about seven square feet. Casting this takes at least two seconds for Avrion to create the magic sigil and begin reshaping material. The way the spell applies is affected by Avrion's imagination and will. With this Avrion can create spikes from the ground, a doorway that did not exist before, close passages, create a debris cloud and so on. This can affect water, ice, earth, rock, etc. Anything that Avrion can physically touch. There is a range on the distance this affects as well that allows him to change something as long as it has physical connection to where he touches. For example if he touches a floor he can affect another part of the floor away from where he is touching. Recompose is ineffective against enchanted surfaces. Ward - Avrion channels a spell that binds a target in a sphere of arcane energy. The target is trapped in the sphere and no magic except a dispelling spell will remove it. Avrion cannot cast other spells while channeling and if Avrion's concentration is broken then the ward dissipates. Incredible force can also destroy the ward. Avrion cannot cast this on himself. The Demon Zuraat: Zuraat is the demon that inhabits Avrion's amulet. Zuraat is innately evil but this strange dimensions seems to warp even that portion that would seperate him from other beings, leaving him a little confused like Avrion. Avrion has been known to talk to himself in the past. When he does this it is most often that he is simply conversing with Zuraat. Zuraat can read Avrion's mind through the cursed amulet and the two share a strange connection that has been created from years of being connected. Zuraat has not been affected by the memory loss that debilitates Avrion but being a malicious demon he doesn't really care to tell him anything that he's forgotten. As far as Zuraat is concerned this event has become an opportunity to seize control. Zuraat can passively sense the dark impulses and sinful desires of others. Zuraat has several boons he grants to Avrion: Self Preservation - Zuraat partially possesses Avrion when his life is threatened and grants him increased strength and speed. This isn't a tremendous increase but noticeable to a foe. Zuraat is very stubborn and won't let Avrion die. Full Possession - If Avrion is knocked unconscious or gives in purposefully to Zuraat then the demon gets full control and uses his own magic. Avrion regains control when he becomes conscious again or the demonic volatility in his body becomes too much and Zuraat retreats back to the amulet. Demonic volatility raises every time Zuraat casts a spell and passively while Avrion is possessed. If demonic volatility reaches higher than Zuraat would normally allow then Avrion collapses in exhaustion. Zuraat is evil and his actions may reflect that. Zuraat's Magic: Illusion of Death - Target suffers the pain and illusion of the worst death their mind can muster, whether it be at the hands of an ally, a lover, their party or of torture and so on. This spell fades upon the person dying in their illusion, waking them to reality. Zuraat must channel this on a single target and may be interrupted. If the illusion is ended early or interrupted it will still leave the target fairly confused until they recover. In Zuraat's weakened form this only works on one target at a time. Give In - People around Zuraat are compelled to give in to their most evil, carnal and base desires. This has many affects depending on the darker side of a person's personality. It ranges from the base desire to murder one's ally to lust and other dark impulses. This doesn't work against characters who have no such impulses - like an angel or a soulless construct. Being based on compulsion it is possible for an incredibly willful and stoic personality to resist but for how long? Shade of Zuraat - Zuraat covers Avrion's body in the shadow of his own former body. Zuraat himself is slightly larger than Avrion. His skin of the color charcoal. He has a human like mouth with violet eyes that lack pupils. Small curved horns circle around his head, mimicking a crown. A black tuft of hair grows out of the middle, draping down the back his neck. His arms are elongated and end in vicious claws the size of small daggers. A large unadorned leather belt holds a long loincloth in place over his midsection. His legs are reversed like a beast and end in black talons akin to a bird. Jutting out of his back are bat-like wings each limb of which ends in a claw. Avrion's silhouette can be seen in the shade. If one were to pierce Zuraat's shade they could hit Avrion as well as any other attacks that can get through the shade. The shade of Zuraat moves like a beast and uses all of his given appendages to fight with. Shallow cuts and blows will have little to no affect on it because it does not consist of flesh or blood but enchanted shadow. Heavy blows, deep impacts from piercing weapons and light or fire-based magic have the most affect against the shade because they can injure the host or disrupt the shadow enough to dissipate the shade. Zuraat's shade has enough reflexes to dodge slow attacks and its claws are powerful enough to pierce through or shred light armor. Zuraat's tactic would be to disrupt the enemy enough with his magic to open them up to a deadly blow. After about three minutes of this demonic volatility will become too high and Zuraat will have to cancel his shade to keep from harming Avrion. [/hider] Posted it on characters first by accident, let me know if you want it changed. (And whether or not of course you accept it. =) ) [/quote] Hey, welcome Necrophage. You've got a lot going on with this character. I think your going to have to nerf Avrions magic to better match other players power levels. Some magic is fine sure, but Avrion is a walking [i]weapon[/i] even with a psycho demon sucking him into another dimension-which I would like some clarity on. What exactly is the dimension? A void? Do other things exist there? Can Zuraat take control of Avrion at any moment? Tentative accepting just want some clarity on your characters aspects. Thanks! On another note, this idea reminds me of the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartimaeus_Sequence]Bartimaeus Trilogy,[/url] where a young wizard is connected to a magic-casting djinn-basically the same demon-human pact you have going on with Avrion. I seriously recommend the whole series as its one of the coolest books I've ever read.