[color=#2EFE9A]"I'd rather not say where I'm from, nor the reason I'm here."[/color] [color=#2EFE9A]"It's nice to meet you all."[/color]. [color=lightblue][i]"Cold...You couldn't 'ave just told a lie or said something usual and boring could ya? Dark and mysterious might interest the girls but it ain't gonna help you become a master elementalist."[/i][/color]. Kains loud cocky voice preceded him as he pushed through the other students to get to the front of the crowd. Despite his words he wore a playful daring grin and his tone held no malice only a friendly teasing taunt. He brushes down his coat and looks to the hooded headmaster, peering intently and curiously at the darkness covering his face. [color=lightblue][i]"Hey teach, sorry I'm late. Kain, adopted name, from the smaller cities, future lightning [b]master[/b]!"[/i][/color] Feint sparks jumped across his odd coloured irises as unintentionally his element rose along with his eager excitement and determination. Kain's gaze reached over the other students one by one as he seemed to be sizing them up, only when he passed Eria did his gaze alter and linger a little longer. Quickly Kain's eyes fall back on the headmaster, a puzzled amusement takes his face. [color=lightblue][i]"So uhh, what element are you teaching exactly?"[/i][/color] [@Inertia][@The ghost in black][@Jangel13]