[center][hider=:-:Alvrentasia:-: Badass violinist][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0Ljk1MzViYi5RV3gyY21WdWRHRnphV0VnUTNKMVpXeGhJRVJsZG1sdVpRLCwuMAAA/bucanera.ffp.png[/img] [IMG]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7izmdMNzV1qjom9wo1_500.gif[/IMG] [b]{[/b]"[i]Anger, jealousy, bitterness, tiredness, hope, lust, love. It's everywhere.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]Effy Stonem[/b] [color=#BA55D3]¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪[/color] [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Alvrentasia Cruela Devine[/color] |[/b] [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Nickname[/color] |[/b] Alvri:: Middle school and she only had one friend. One friend who typically never spoke to anyone but Alvrentasia. She said that her name was too long so she decided on Alvri to shorten it up. Alvrentasia didn’t mind and she actually was fond of her. However, she might not like it if someone calls her that when she barely knows or doesn't like said person. [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Birthday[/color] |[/b] November 9th [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Age[/color] |[/b] 17 [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Gender[/color] |[/b] Female [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Sexuality[/color] |[/b] Go ahead and make up your own guess. [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Relationship Status[/color] |[/b] Single. Love or simple dating games? Do I [i]look[/i] like that’s on my mind? [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Classification[/color] |[/b] Senior [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Social Tier[/color] |[/b] B-list [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Role[/color] |[/b] Artist/Musician [b]| [color=#CB99C9]In Depth Appearance[/color] |[/b] Alvrentasia is a natural beauty with elegance that rarely ever wears a bunch of makeup. The only makeup that she applies is generally a small amount of black eyeliner, mascara, and a dark red lip tint. Symmetrical face and a smile that is sometimes so fake that it [i]hurts.[/i] But she usually just doesn't smile in general. A cute smile if she smiles genuinely though. Her body is slim but visibly muscular along with her 38C cup breasts. Most of her appearance was inherited from her mother. Her slim face and the dark blue eyes are from her father. From her mother she got her thin lips, dark brown hair, and tousled wavy hair that she doesn’t have to do much to everyday. The only time she actually bothers to do something with her hair is when she is meeting with her parents. Her clothing style is proper most of the times. At least, at school it is. She usually wears blouses along with black skirts. Her style isn’t unfashionable or anything. It’s mature and she doesn’t wear things that exposes her breasts. Desperate for attention she is not. She likes her simple style that keeps her in the background, Her height is 5’8” so it’s a bit taller than average. If you happen to see her out and about, you can see that her style is different. She wears combat boots, black, black, and more black. That's why she tries to not be seen outside of the Academy but if she is, oh well. [hr] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/c6d4684d460a897e05a430e57682d6aa/tumblr_o6mberJlw71t3fd6go1_500.gif[/img] [i][b]“I’m a sweet and innocent angel. Can’t you tell?”[/b][/i] [hr] [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Quirks | Habits | Oddities[/color] |[/b] ☩ Picking at the skin behind her nails whenever she is nervous and sometimes just because ☩ Biting her lip when she is irritated ☩ Talking under her breath ☩ Presses on her temples when she feels like puking ☩ Ignoring people when she is drawing ☩ Cracking her knuckles when she is impatient [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Likes[/color] |[/b] ❥ Her violin ❥ Drawing ❥ Kids ❥ Her parents ❥ Being organized ❥ Smoking ❥ Sweets ❥ Money ❥ Boxing ❥ Skating ❥ Reading ❥ People that know what they want in life ❥ Geeks because they are obsessed with a specific thing and are committed to it. ❥ Having classical music playing in the background while she studies ❥ Learning/studying ❥ The number 8. ❥ Even numbers. ❥ Beer and drinking in general ❥ Being underwater/swimming [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Dislikes[/color] |[/b] ✘ Involving herself in others affairs ✘ Romantic movies ✘ Public restrooms ✘ People tying to change or fix her ✘ Getting hit on in general ✘ People pitying her for whatever reason ✘ Having a bunch of people around her ✘ Loud noises ✘ Anyone bothering her when she is playing her violin or drawing ✘ Remembering when her father got violent ✘ People asking her “what’s wrong” [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Hobbies[/color] |[/b] ♬ Playing the violin ♬ Drawing ♬ Studying/Doing homework ♬ Reading [hr][hr] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/f0aba6cc316dc8d44e2a02e937ca1c81/tumblr_o1vamtTyqV1u7468fo1_500.gif[/img] [b][i]"I'm a bad person. You can't change me so why don't you stop trying?"[/i][/b] [hr] [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Secrets[/color] |[/b] -- Often takes pills to get through the days. Typical depression pills that are quite strong and weren’t exactly prescribed by a doctor. -- Nice. Alvrentasia isn't trying to put it out there that she actually has a heart. She can be nice at times but please refrain from calling her a "good" person. -- A bit traumatized from when her father got violent. The abuse is a secret. -- Likes stuffed animals and cute things in general. - The fact that she volunteers at a child hospital because she it [i]not[/i] trying to let that be known. -- A virgin. This isn't really a secret but no one really knows and she doesn't advertise it. She has no interest in getting involved in extra things like that at the time. -- Has a depression disorder as well as anxiety [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Fears[/color] |[/b] ⚠ Having people actually act like they care about her and her falling for it ⚠ Failing expectations ⚠ Actually Trusting someone ⚠ Falling in love ⚠ Stone cold truth ⚠ Dying before her parents do or get to see her become successful ⚠ Bright rooms with no door in sight [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Personality Traits[/color] |[/b] ✤Quiet ✤Irritable ✤Stubborn ✤Trust issues ✤Sarcastic at times ✤Loyal ✤Astute ✤Kind when she feels like being kind ✤ Proper ✤ Determined ✤Serious ✤Actually quite considerate [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Personality[/color] |[/b] Alvrentasia is a woman that knows what she wants and she doesn’t want anyone getting in the way of that. She wouldn’t usually go out of her way to stop a fight between immature teens that can’t control their anger. However, she doesn’t judge people. No, not really because she’s nice. It’s just that she doesn’t have the time to be talking about others when she has her [i]own[/i] life goals. Not one to try and understand the reason that people go out of their way to talk about others badly while they honestly look like fools for even doing so. Children. That’s all they are. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t sweet if you actually get under that thick skin of hers. She comes off as judgmental, serious, and poised. Quite the opposite though. Well, not the serious part. Alvrentasia finds her goals in life to be the top priority and will do her utmost best not to allow anyone to falter the barrier she has up in front of her almost 24/7. The poised part is wrong and you will realize that if you spend enough time with her. She is composed at times but she is not self confident. But she won’t let that part of her shine through. Time is money. A big believer of this famous line. She gets stressed out over studies easily and stressed in general. However, she also knows that she has to let loose sometimes. Some people think that she’d be a goody-goody but they can be proved to be quite wrong. A daredevil and a badass if I must say, Alvrentasia isn’t afraid of much. Heights? She’s gone skydiving. Sharks? Don’t go that deep into the ocean. Peer pressure? You can try to sell her drugs but all you’d get is a roll of the eyes. Spiders or snakes? [i]Please.[/i] When the going gets tough, the tough get going. She won’t be backing down from something she committed to. All in all, Alvrentasia looks like she is unaffected by practically everything. Not much people could say that they’ve seen her cry or smile genuinely because her smiles typically look fake. She doesn’t do crying and she doesn’t do talking about her feelings because what she feels is her own business and she finds no use in telling anyone about it. What could they do about it, anyways? So she minds her own business and will only get involved in bullying if someone is taking it too far. A sweet girl is what you’d be able to see if she gets used to you. And that probably won’t happen if you’ve only talked to her 5 times. She is nice in general to people she just meets because her mother taught her about manners. The type of people Alvrentasia has a soft spot for are children, quiet people because you know, not annoying. Or maybe it’s because of a childhood friend that she had when she was younger. Quiet people are just so [i]tolerable.[/i] It’s even better if they can handle “awkward” silences because she welcomes those. Nice people are fine but [i]too[/i] nice is a different matter. When they’re nice to everyone and they come up to her looking for a new friend, that’s annoying. She sure as hell isn’t a charity case either. If she’s alone, that means that she probably [i]wants[/i] to be alone. It’s not like she’s antisocial. She knows how to talk to people she just usually chooses not to. However, if she’s bored, maybe she’ll chat someone up. Unless she’s reading a book. Another type of person that she likes are geeks. Video game geeks, movie geeks, music geeks, etc. Geeks are a breath of fresh air for her and surprisingly, she actually listens to them. She'd be that person that would be listening to some outcast geek talk about their obsession while looking bored when she's actually not. They're just so... [i]committed.[/i] Kids. People would think she'd hate them but nope, she loves em. They're so damn cute and full of innocence. The opposite of her. [hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d1/07/72/d10772e767a5392fc247d42d5fcedb55.jpg[/img] [h3][b][color=purple]A splash of the past[/color][/b][/h3] [b]| [color=#CB99C9]Place of Origin[/color] |[/b] Keswick, England [b]| [color=#CB99C9]History[/color] |[/b] Some people think that Alvrentasia would be a spoiled, rich brat but they’re wrong. She didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth and she doesn’t need one in her life because she’s going to succeed no matter what. That said, she was pretty well off. Her parents had enough money to provide her with things that she needed along with extra. Not that she actually asked for anything other than her food and more books and textbooks though. Her mother was a lawyer and her father was a stay at home dad that [b]loved[/b] alcohol. Needless to say, he was a decent father. A pretty good, decent father. He said good morning, made her breakfast, made her lunch, made her dinner, and let her try a cigarette when she was 13. It was a learning experience and she is a fan of cigs now. He may sound like a bad father but he was a sarcastic and funny guy who loved to do D.I.Y projects with or without Alvrentasia. He used to be a detective but then she came along and he decided to quit and stay home which he now probably regrets. Even with this, he was pretty strict and so was her mom. Her mom especially. She’s a tough chick that wanted, no, [i]needs[/i] Alvrentasia to be successful. Some people think that her life goals is to be a violinist or perhaps an artist. No. Unrealistic. Her goal is to become a successful doctor. Is it because she wants to help people? Not really. It’s mostly so that she brings in the big bucks. Perhaps she’ll even become the owner of her own company but for now, she’s sticking to a doctor. Alvrentasia got into the Saint Marys academy as a scholar for her knowledge as well as her violin skills. Her mother was extremely proud of her as well as her father. Alvrentasia’s parents fought often. So much that she wondered why the hell they were together. Marriage was supposed to be about love. At least, that was what her parents told her when she was 6 years old. They sometimes get so loud that the neighbors called the cops once because her father threw a vase which shattered into a bunch of pieces but Alvrentasia was not phased. She was used to their childish ways of letting out anger and her mother had only been hit once or twice when her father was a bit drunk. Other than that, a [i]great[/i] family. When they fought, Alvrentasia just took out her violin and began playing. The violin is a big part of her life. It was something that she had received from her grandfather when she was 7 years old. Of course, she couldn’t do much with it since she was only 7 but she since then, she played and played until her fingers would get numb. She found it as a way to escape. For a while, her grandfather taught her how to play but that that only lasted until she was 10 years old because he then died. She didn’t cry at the funeral and she didn’t cry when she got home from the funeral. She just started playing the violin and that was when the tears started coming out. Probably the most she’s ever cried in her life. Art came in a bit later. Her mother had done it when she was younger so she practically forced it onto Alvrentasia. Sure, it started off as a drag but soon, it became just… a way of her daily life. She went to art classes 2 times a week and drew whenever she got home. Typically she uses watercolor or a simply pencil when she is doing art. When she drew, Alvrentasia was completely immersed. Not as much as when she played the violin but almost. Flowers are nice to draw but most of her drawings are… depressing to say the least. Middle school was just her reading 24/7 and cursing at people that came up to talk to her. Surprisingly, she never had a rebellious phase with her parents. Some people would say that she did in middle school but her parents don’t bother with her personal life enough to actually know about those details. She started drinking at age 15 and that was something that looked inevitable from the outside due to her alcoholic of a father. But she didn’t drink all of the time. Only when she was bored. Other times she could either be found drawing, playing the violin, or studying. Especially studying. Alvrentasia studies obsessively and to the point where she could be considered a nerd. She won’t become a doctor without [i]lots[/i] of studying. An intelligent female is what Alvrentasia is for sure. A classic all A student with a sharp tongue and she’s headed places. Her father was the one that taught her how to shoot a gun with proper aim and with her eyes closed and break a guys/girls nose with a single punch. Being a detective, he knew some things. Her mother didn't know that he taught her so much... violence but it didn't matter. She loved her occasional lessons and that was how she got into boxing for self defense. Father began teaching her when she was around 10 years old and stopped when she was 15. But she still continued afterwards with her boxing and such. She works out everyday but she never puts boxing before studying. [b]|[color=#CB99C9]Club[/color] |[/b] Art and music club [b]|[color=#CB99C9]Miscellaneous[/color] |[/b] The Blacklist. [/hider][/center]