[quote=@shylarah] Ugh, it'd be a shame if I have to get rid of Max's healer powers altogether, as I doubt they have up-to-date medtech in the fae realms...Maybe a powered crystal or something, a very /weak/ artifact...but those are rare, so why would his mistress have one, and why would she give it to him? >.< Open to ideas, here. [/quote] I'm not really sure anymore what LadyRunic's rules on getting powers are but since he's new to the fae world he couldn't have anything like innate healing abilities so if that's an important part of the character then an artifact would be your best bet. Just read the OP section on fae artifacts cause they tend to be rather tricky and given long enough may turn on their users. Though something to think about, this mistress I presume is the fae that saves him earlier so if you want to have her being his master you'd have to sort out how she could prevent him from envoking her true name as that would grant him ultimate control over her. If she obtained his true name before he realized what hers could do she could forbid him ever to speak her true name. Or else you could just have him be oblivious to the fact that the name could control her. Whatever you like. [quote=@shylarah] I'm not completely clear on Seelie/Unseelie division, as that's usually a personality thing but if I'm understanding correctly, then if your parents are one or the other, you're supposed to stay on that side -- and in that Court. Unless there's a coming of age where you choose for yourself or something, I'd think that would lead to a mix of attitudes on both sides, though perhaps kindness from Unseelie and deliberate nastiness from the Seelie is frowned upon and done on the sly. As for adjacent courts -- Spring/Summer, for example, or Summer/Fall -- it's just DM rule that they don't mix and have kids? Is there very little travel between the different courts at all? I know visitors would be met with at least some suspicion, but are they actually all but forbidden? That's going to make it hard to trade -- or spy, for that matter. A distrusted visitor is a better spy in some cases than someone that has to sneak around everywhere. [/quote] I'm going to be completely honest here I'm not really sure how to answer this question. I've brought up something similar with LadyRunic and never gotten a conclusive answer. As far as I can tell the virtues of the Court are based on personality but which one you belong to has more to do with where you were born and what type of fae you are. There is apparently a decent amount of travel between Courts not at war and they have trade packs and stuff but it seems simply GM rule that these fae exist in these Courts and no where else. Visitors are generally considered suspicious and not to be trusted but given the nature of a lot of fae I don't really see that as a reason that members of different Courts wouldn't be sleeping together. I think that logically the generally population of a certain type of fae would be centered in one or two Courts, say a Banshee is a being of the Fall Court but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be a couple of them scattered here and there throughout the other lands. Especially considering the Rulers sometimes trade certain valued servants or fae to other rulers for favors. To me the divisions are more like guidelines since there is no realistic way you can legitimately keep populations completely and totally separate from one another in such proximity but LadyRunic is kind of adamant about what goes where so I guess she'd have to clarify this for you. [quote=@shylarah] Falk is Tengvan? It's not explicitly stated anywhere, but they're both listed as Autumn King, so I'm guessing yes, and that Falk is the publicly known name. [/quote] Yeah that threw me for a loop too the first time I read it. Tegvan O'Aenges-Mor is the true name of the Autumn King while Falk is the name that everyone refers to him by. [@LadyRunic] Quick questions, Falk is listed as a Fall-Born fae but exactly how can that be if he existed before there [i]was[/i] a Fall Court? [quote=@shylarah] Sorry if I'm picking at things and asking a lot of questions. >.< I'm trying to get a feel for the setting. [/quote] Don't worry about it, normally in RPs I'm the guy that picks holes in everything so it's nice to have a compatriot.