[quote=@vosenedich] [center][h3]Merlin Ambrosius[/h3][/center] [center][b]Character Image Goes Here - Not applicable at this time[/b][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Hair Color:[/b] Blonde [b]Height:[/b] '4"5 / 136cm [b]Weight:[/b] 80lbs/35kg [b]Physique:[/b] A slender and somewhat muscular body that seems frail at first glance. [b]Complexion:[/b] Caucasian [b]Immunities:[/b] Age, Mortal Needs (sleep, thirst, hunger) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Illusions, Charms and Betrayals [b]Titles & Feats[/b]: None yet [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Merlin is a very reserved lady, who often preffers to be ignored rather than be included into unnecesary chit-chatter. She is often concerned about what is to come and what must be done, and is the first to commit to a personal sacrifice for the greater good. [b]Psychological/Social Issues[/b]: She is so concerned about the future that she often forgets to live the present, distancing herself from everything that might derail her plans. [b]Appearance[/b]: Merlin's a short frail-looking girl, a look betrayed only by the slick muscles she's developed through thorough slavework around the household. Her golden hair shaved clean glimmers in the sunlight, contrasting against her dirty rags. A triskelion shaped birthmark spans the width of her left breast. [b]Natural Abilities[/b]: [list] [*]Seer – Merlin held a great power to see the future in her past life, which shows as foreshadowing dreams and fragmented hallucinations in this one. [*]Daughter of Magic – Merlin was once a mediator for all fey and supernatural of Britania. While a lot weaker in this reincarnation, her natural charm and disposition to the non-human (beasts and monsters) remains. [/list] [b]Power[/b]: Arcane Arts - Some said Merlin earned her powers from a pact with the Last Dragon, others that it was the Fey King Oberron that granted her control over the winds, and yet others that it was his non-human ascendancy that made him powerful. Whatever remains of her powers in this life serves her to pass off as little more than a conjourer of cheap tricks. [b]Companion[/b]: None [b]Relations:[/b] [i]Possibly - Arthur Pendragon - Protegee[/i] To be determined Clarification: I'm basing this character off of the original depiction of Merlin, as a woman born from a incubus and a human, who uses the powers she inherits from her father to plot the birth of Arthur and lead Britania into an age of glory. [/quote] Maximum age is 12. So she needs to be 12. "Arcane Arts" is not a specific enough power set. You need to be specific about the spells that she can cast. At this time, seeing as they are kids who don't really remember their past life, they wouldn't remember much about their powers either. She will have one spell at this time. When the Great Time Skip occurs later, the characters will be much older and therefore, the relationship building that they do now is crucial for events in the future. Say, if they choose to reunite later. They may not even recognize each other all that much because last they remember is that they were all bald prepubescent kids lol. But yes, by then, they should have more powers/spells unlocked. [b]Edit:[/b] I added both Merlin and Arthur to taken characters. [b]Edit2:[/b] Updated Ruler of Vanor and Vanor Motto.