[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#FFBF00]Samuel Keats[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/aa15081e54615c05d29232923679d9c8/tumblr_inline_ms2z05KyQ11qz4rgp.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Hallway [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] N/A [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Bored → Angry → Satisfied [/center] [hr] Keats yawned as he stood leaning against the wall. He hadn't gotten a reply yet, but Luke was a busy guy. For now, he was fed up just roaming the school pointlessly, nothing going on. Bored, he started to tune into other people's conversations around him. He noticed one of the Mayweathers glaring at him, but the guy looked away when Keats made eye contact with him. Hey, maybe this'd be some entertainment while he waited. [color=#FFBF00]"Hey, you got a problem with me, Mayweather? I steal your pacifier or something?"[/color] The boy glared at him, but looked a little intimidated by Keats and didn't say anything. [color=#FFBF00]"Yeah, that's what I thought."[/color] he smirked, standing up properly and shoving past the kid to head back outside. That would have been it, really. Keats didn't normally pick on people that wouldn't fight back, where was the fun in that? He would've just walked away if he hadn't heard the kid muttering something under his breath. [b]"And they wonder why someone set that fire."[/b] Keats froze, his voice turning deadly cold as he turned on the kid, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his back against the wall. [color=#FFBF00]"You wanna repeat that? Go on."[/color] the guy looked like he was about to back down again, but they were surrounded by other students, and now that he had an audience his pride wouldn't let him. [b]"I said, and they wonder why someone set that fire."[/b] Keats' eyes narrowed. Yeah, this kid was in for a beating, and that was putting it lightly. No-one mocked that night near Keats. Using all of his enhanced strength, Keats tossed the kid across the floor of the corridor, turning towards him with a snarl. [color=#FFBF00]"Oh, is that what you said? 'Cause you see, what I heard was 'Keats, can you please rip my balls off and make them into a purse?'"[/color] before the kid could even get back to his feet, he found himself lifted off the ground and slammed into the wall. [color=#FFBF00]"Come on, aren't you even gonna give me a fight?"[/color] he laughed, but was cut off when a blast of energy slammed him in the chest, sending him staggering and knocking the air out of his lungs. [b]"Get off me, asshole! Your power's freaking clothes, I don't even need to try to beat you!"[/b] Oh, look at that, the guy got a hit in! He didn't seem that strong, though. The shockwave hadn't even knocked him down! Eh, whatever. He'd pissed Keats off, and sometimes people just need to learn a lesson. Little fish needed to learn to stay in their ponds and not pick fights with a shark. Case in point. Eh, if it wasn't gonna be a good fight, there wasn't any reason to drag it out, so Keats decided to just go for the kill. Metaphorically of course. He wasn't actually killing the kid. The strips of cloth on his hands snaked out, forming a shield that blocked the kid's next blast, then fastening themselves around his neck. In Keats' experience, most people found it much harder to use their powers if they couldn't breathe. Funny how that worked out, right? The kid clawed at the fabric, but it was as solid as steel and didn't budge an inch. Keats grinned, holding him fast as he sprinted over and starting firing punches into the kid's stomach until he saw tears starting to form in his eyes. Letting him go, Keats shook his head as the kid lay gasping on the floor. It was an easy fight, but that was probably 'cause the boy let his guard down. People tended not to rate his power much, so a lot of them didn't think he'd put up a good fight. [color=#FFBF00]"Man, it's no fun if you just cry when I beat you. Whatever, I'm not interested in weaklings."[/color] Man, that sucked. Sure, sure, the kid got a hit in, but at the end of the day he wasn't even near Keats' level. It wasn't any more satisfying than squashing a bug, but at least it got his blood pumping a little bit. Keats 1, Mayweather Brats 0. He figured he should start keeping score sometime. His opponent had run off, no doubt to cry to some other Mayweather that Keats was being mean to him. Wondering if he'd have to deal with another confrontation, Keats figured he'd stay there, heading back over to his comfortable position and ignoring the mixed stares of disgust and admiration from the various students around him as he pulled out his phone and put his earbuds in. Whatever, right? Let them judge him. At the end of the day, he was weeding out the weaklings from both schools. People that got defeated as easy as that kid didn't belong in either school, simple. Besides, the more they talked, the more his reputation would grow. The less people would treat him and his powers like some kinda joke. So, he sat back, ignoring them completely and humming a tune with a smug smirk plastered across his face.