[u][center][h3][color=00aeef]~Farrah Gilden~[/color][/h3][/center][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/oqQISG4.png [/img][/center] The situation concerning the speeding “comet” and the random appearance of a Dissonance was of no concern to one particular Song Knight. Mainly because she was barely aware of it, the skies keeping her mind clear of those distractions and focused on the tournament coming ahead. [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVO99RKU8AESoHP.png]Farrah Gilden[/url] had always liked fast travel and quite frankly, [url=http://s5.pikabu.ru/post_img/big/2015/11/26/4/1448517015_62521881.jpg]Ravielin[/url] was the fastest option. The Spirit held her Song Knight tightly with both arms wrapped around her, powerful wings keeping them aloft and aimed straight for the Colosseum like an airborne bullet. Looking down, Farrah could see a small gathering of what appeared to be rioting townsfolk and an even smaller group of Song Knights. Well then. What had happened there? Ravielin did not dip down to scope it out. If Farrah wanted to investigate, she would have said so. Otherwise, there was no point in getting involved. After all, they were already running behind schedule in getting to the tournament. [hr][center][@Crimson Raven], [@KoL], [@Lonewolf685], [@Pikmin Eye], [@Eklispe], [@Zardoric], [@RiverMaiden], [@Deadnaut], [@Alina13], [@solokolos], [@BurningCold], [@Kimiyosis][/center]