Character Sheet Full Name: Daniel Mars Nicknames: Danny Realistic picture: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Blood: Half Blood Date of Birth: August 30, 1987 Age:29 Wand:His wand is: Beech wood with a unicorn hair core, 14" and has solid flexibility. Job:Transfiguration Teacher and Head of House Ravenclaw for 7 years. Family: Mother Michelle Mars Ravenclaw, Father Evan Mars Hufflepuff , Sister Lily Mars 26 Ravenclaw. Personality:He is a positive person who goes out of his way to, "How do you do?, What are you up to today?". It can be called curiousity or friendlyness-honestly though for Daniel he is curious and friendly. He does have a competitive spirit one such, even when it looks like he might lose-he will then try only harder to win. And if he is sweating and out of breath, he will stand up straight and do his best to hide that he had given his best effort to win. One of his mottos is:"If you show no weakness, no one will mess with you." He loves to joke around, sometimes at the worst times but he finds it funny to still try and get a laugh. He loves tricking people and playing around with what is expected. Gambling is another of his favourite things, as it makes him money for minimal effort, well physical effort anyway. History: Ah the magical world of Hogwarts. Daniel Mars had it better than some as he grew up. His house (well the family house...), had multiple levels to it, passed down from his great grandfather. A man Daniel never met but often heard great things about. It was no wonder because apparently he was an Auror and he taught his family everything he knew about fighting against the Dark arts and Dark wizards. He had wanted them to be prepared in case the family ever had to fight one of these low lifes. Later though, he wouldn't have known that most of Daniel's extended family tried to be Aurors themselves. The only ones who had actually succeded in passing the training were Daniel's parents. His mother through a natural gift in spells and his muggle born father after meeting his mother-hearing her talk about her life-he fell in love with her and wanted to be with her, so he pursued it as well and was determined to be an Auror. So he could be by her side always. Getting back to their son Daniel, he was spoiled, had a fancy wizard's chess set at the age of five, a good broom at the age of 11 for quidditch. After a second try out he did make the quidditch team. (It was funny you would think that the parents might of bought their kid a broom after he made the team? But no that's not what happened.) Being a beater was wicked, he could take out all his hogwarts class problems/or whatever upset him out on other people-by hitting bludgers at people with no consequence. It was 'part of the game after all', (the people hit with said bludgers didn't much like him tho. Years passed he stayed playing quidditch, playing tricks and pranks on his friends, he loved to joke around and his friends knew no harm was done. He also loved to gamble, any excuse he had to do so was great. If there was a duel going on between students he wanted to be there or a quidditch game going on between different houses (Not Ravenclaw, that was the one thing he didn't do.... He didn't wager bets on himself... he didn't want the extra pressure...) or whatever excitement there was-he'd usually be there, make a wager on an outcome and be yelling "Don't you let me down! I got a Galleon bet on you!!" Then the later years came in Hogwarts, he got his O.W.L.s easily enough for such a joker you'd think Daniel would of easily failed them, but he actually Got an O. in everything except Divination. "Bunch of mumbo jumbo." He would say everytime he had to listen to the teacher talk... Maybe he just didn't want to say that it was his fault-that he simply didn't "get it..." Either way its always been a sore subject for him, so much so that he has never told anyone what his score was for that class. He then took his N.E.W.T.S. got pretty much the exact same scores, as his Owls, which he was proud of. (His parents had a fit though, as they didn't know his owl scores or his newts grades) He just didn't see the reason to have to show his marks to them, as a result he ended up being kicked out of the house the day he graduated from Hogwarts. "Aw, well..." "I'll get a job somewhere..." (Oh yeah forgot to mention, Daniel's Sister.... Basically did well in Hogwarts, A lot of people liked her. And ended up working as a security guard for the Ministry of Magic.) Basically he decided to work the magical "construction field." It was actually pretty fun, he passed the interview got the job as a 'laborer'. Basically he had to levitate doors and wooden beams and all sorts of stuff and then bring it together. Obviously he used tools and stuff all operated by magic, (tools needed to hold the stuff together... Muggle ideas had some value sometimes... Well at least this idea spared a little magic..). Within a couple days, he not only put the stuff together, he made it look good with an eye for design. Then he got promoted and enjoyed the job for 4 years. Eventually though he got bored of it, and took some time off to go visit Hogwarts, his old stomping grounds. It seemed stuff there was going splendidly. Sadly though they had a transfiguration teacher position open and there was no one to fill it. One of the teachers who had been around for a long time recommended Danny take it. He wasn't sure at first but then he remembered how he performed in his transfiguration owls and he knew he could easily handle the job. To his surprise when he accepted the position, the headmaster also pointed out that the head of House Ravenclaw was also vacant. So he took both jobs and has held them until now. (Oh yeah, he wrote a letter to the construction company that he could maybe work a couple weeks when Hogwarts was out... It didn't go over too well... Needless to say he lost his job there...) Pet: None Likes: A chocolate frog. Dislikes: Lies.