[quote=@The Nexerus] I'm interested. I would assume that the six nations are all led by great houses. You can be a small great house of a small nation, but a great house nonetheless. [/quote] ^This Happy to see some familiar faces. The OOC would've been up by now but I got an Internal Server Error as I tried to post and have to head out right now, but it was a pretty bare WIP anyway, so there's at least that. I'll respond to the sheets PM'd to me when I get back, which should be in twelve or so hours. As a reminder to you all, sheets are due June 10th, when I'll pick the 5-6 accepted sheets. Side note, how many kingdoms would you guys prefer? I originally wanted to avoid 7 because Seven Kingdoms, but I was recently thinking of how there might be problems brought on by an even number of sides/alliances. Anyway, leave thoughts in the comments, yadda yadda. OOC should be up by tomorrow.