Sabriye felt a soft vibration going through the ground as the mighty beast placed his tremendous paw into the soil softly. This vibration told her one thing, the mighty beast was curious. He shifted his position slightly and Sabriye digged her hands a bit deeper into the soil as to get a clearer view into her mind. The mighty beast seemed to look upwards, towards the moon as she guessed. [i]''Some dangers are greater than others..."[/i] the beast paused before continuing his sentance [i]"Some flee them... some of us are them."[/i] Sabriye thought about this sentence, she was unsure if the beast meant that he was dangerous or not. She however, felt no evil intend radianting from the migthy precence before her. [i]''But there are always more dangerous things, small one." [/i] The beast said shifting again, alerting Sabriye that his attention and gaze were back at her again. She had to giggle slighty when he called her small one. She guessed that in comparison to him she was ineed very small. She regretted not being able to lay her eye's upon his mighty appearence, For he was sure a sight to behold. [i]"A shadow has fallen upon our world, one of terrible will and even more terrible might. It has claimed and taken that which is not of its domain, so in retribution, it must now pay the price of disturbing the order of things as they are. That is why I am here, but these matters do not concern you, at least not yet. What should concern you is, why are [b]you[/b] here?" [/i] [color=a2d39c]''why I am here?''[/color] She said raising her voice a bit. [color=a2d39c]''If I told you I ran away from home and was resting here during my first flight alone in this world, what would you do?''[/color] She asked of him. [color=a2d39c]''Sir, if I may say. Maybe I can help you against this shadow you speak of. I have been raised in a kingdom of light, so maybe I can be of use against the shadow''[/color] Sabriye said offering her help. With some trouble she searched for her staff before standing up reaching out her hand towards the beast. [color=a2d39c]''my name is Sabriye. What is your name?''[/color] She asked him. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity ]