Malkai's was about to cut the stranger down when Syndere put a hand on his shoulder. [Color=firebrick]"No... he can be useful."[/color] She whispered softly so only Malakaus heard. Shortly after a wounded woman in armor arrived. Malakaus pointed his blade at her, but once again Syndere had him lower it. Then she raised a hand, engulfed in flames. But instead of immolation, a giant ball of warmth protruded from her hand near the bond fire. [Color=firebrick]"Fear not. This fire brings warmth and comfort. Approach this hearth and let us speak. My name is Syndere. This man here is my guardian, and his name is Malakaus."[/color] Syndere called out to everyone over the rain and storm. Those who approached the bond fire would feel a soothing warmth engulf their bodies and heal their woulds. Syndere simply stood near the flame, smiling pleasantly.