[center] [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LjNiYjU4ZS5UR2xzYVdWdUozTWdibWxuYUhRNklGbGxZWElnTTFneVdDd2dUV0Y1SURFNUxTQXlRVTAsLjAA/asiago.medium.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3193-1uxkRg&index=6&list=PLse0qhf_b_ig-KF1Zi2QTPslMYucXSYOX[/youtube][/center] [hr][hr] [center][i]The night is beautiful. [i]Wonderful[/i] to some and dreadful to others. The night provides most with the time to think. The time to ponder on their decisions or regret their past ones. Lilien stroked her brothers hair as she held him near her. He sat between her legs with tears in his eyes as he whimpered. [color=#81D8D0]“Shhh…”[/color] whispering into his ears as he cowers over. [color=#81D8D0]“It’s [i]alright.[/i] They’ll stop fighting soon lovely.”[/color] Why was he like this. 17 and he still goes into the corner whenever father gets violent. Why was he so…[i]weak?[/i] Violence did nothing to her. She couldn’t feel the pain. She actually couldn’t. Most would think that it was an ideal situation when you could jap a knife into your hand and feel absolutely nothing. But it wasn’t. It wasn’t ideal when you would have to pry your father away from your brother when father hit him. And through all of the screaming, she would never [i]actually[/i] understand what he was going through because she would never be able to actually experience it. She would just be able to watch someone get hurt and attempt to do something about it. Lilien wipes away his tears and closes her eyes, beginning to hum a peaceful [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3193-1uxkRg&index=6&list=PLse0qhf_b_ig-KF1Zi2QTPslMYucXSYOX]tune[/url] silently. The night. The night isn’t wonderful. She could hear the screaming clearly. Because the night loved silence. The houses around her were silent but she was unlucky. She was unlucky and that was the reason that her mother was a crazed and cowardly alcoholic. That was why she had a weak brother that couldn’t handle her abusive father. This is why Lilien hated the night. Because she wasn’t special but she was [i]unlucky.[/i] And that was why she has to hold her brother in her arms and hope that the morning came as soon as possible and [i]hope[/i] that no harm came to her brother.[/i] [color=#81D8D0]"Just try to fall asleep lovely. I'll protect you."[/color][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI2LjAyMDMwMi5XQ0JoYm1RZ2FHbHpJR055WlhjNklFRjBkR0ZqYXlCaGRDQkdiRzkxY21rZ1ltRnVheTBnVFdGNUlERTQuMQ,,/wanted.regular.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MWoHVpgn4c[/youtube][/center] [hr][hr] X had a M16 rifle in his hands as he lay down atop of a building just by the Flouri Airport. His crew was already inside of the airport with their guns. They were holding the innocents hostage at the time and X was waiting. Waiting for his target. The target was John Bucken. The leader of a Reaper organization that has, as of lately, been starting many riots around Rosen and claiming that humans were at fault for most of the things that went on. [i]Humans?[/i] When they were the ones going around killing people that weren’t ready to die? And it was humans fault? HA! Yeah fuckin right. He could feel a nice breeze on his neck as he inhaled. Every single time he did this. He imagined his mother. His father. The both of them together. They weren’t ready to die. They just weren’t and he knew it. He saw it in their eyes. But the Reaper didn’t. The Reaper just decided to kill them off with a nasty, shit eating smirk on his face. They didn’t deserve it. They didn’t DESE- X presses the trigger with his eyes nearly closed and there it goes. Through the glass window perfectly and right at the man's head. It was a perfect shot just like his other ones. The black gloves on his hands felt [i]hot.[/i] He didn't know the reason why but they did. X grabs his rifle and heads down the stairs, ultimately jumping down and landing on two feet. Once he went through the airport entrance doors, he could see only a few x-rays. These were innocent people. Most of them were Reapers. His crew awaited his orders. Once he lifted his right hand, 5 men came in, carrying in their hands a Reaper. Each of the reapers had a bomb strapped to them and 3 of them were crying while the other 2 were trembling. It didn't matter though. X called over one of the other members and whispered something into his ear. Soon, they began to let the humans exit the building. Hopefully all of them but doubtful. With that, he signaled for his crew to leave the building after properly stationing the Reapers. After that, they left the building quickly. Everything was done quickly and organized. They locked the doors after they left and went over to the vans that were parked outside of the building. It wasn't too far but it wasn't close at all either. All of them get into the car after putting the weapons in the back. "Are we ready to go?" "Yeah." X doesn't talk. He just sits in front of the wheel and begins to drive. Seconds after, he presses a button and explosions can be heard throughout the entire place. The booming sound which caused his crew member to laugh and cheer. Those idiots. X felt many things at this time. [i]Many[/i] things. And regret wasn't one of them. [hr] [color=92278f]"We're just in, the Flouri bank was hit last night at 8 PM. How many casualties were there Allen?"[/color] Marine bites her bottom lip at the news as she waits for the report. [color=92278f]"...55 dead and 140 injured. And counting."[/color] she says in a confident tone. Her expression was stone cold and you wouldn't be able to tell that she was afraid. As a Reaper, she was afraid. [color=92278f]"Only 4 humans were found dead and it seems to have been the terrorist group against humans that has hit. The D.T.R. This is... they're 4th big hit this month. Th-this one seems to be a suicide bombing. That is all the facts for now. We'll go to Allen for more details on this terrorist group."[/color] Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Those fucking cunts. Goddamn fucking cunts. She had her mark covered and everyone probably thought that she was a human. This terrorist group was [i]scary.[/i] Terrifying. They were monsters. [color=92278f]"Get me a mother fucking glass of water. [i]Now.[/i]"[/color] [hr]