Lol just gonna reuse Collin cause I really liked him Appearance: [hider] [img][/img] Collin's clothing typically consists of sweatshirts and sweatpants, jeans if he feels like dressing up. His shoes are typical athletic shoes that double as all purpose shoes. [/hider] Name:Collin Matthew Ryder Age: 18 [hider=Power: Thing Associated With Death?] (Assuming that our powers will become more powerful as we go on) [b]Transparency[/b] Collin can make his body turn into a ghostly form. [b]Currently[/b], Collin's power is very minimal. He can render one of his limbs to be ethereal at time, which makes it only useful for a parlor trick at the moment. [b]Miasma Gas[/b] Collin can emit miasma gas from his mouth on command. He is also immune to the effects of this gas and other gases. [b]Currently[/b], the gas can barely even be considered to be potent. If he is within a foot of a person, he can make them feel nauseous at the most. If he is right next to the person and breathes into their immediate breathing space, he can make weak stomached people throw up indefinitely, but it is a 50/50 chance for a normal person too. [b]Decomposition[/b] Collin's touch with his hands makes objects decompose. [b]Currently[/b], his prolonged touched to humans just makes them feel itchy and uncomfortable. This effect takes about 10 minutes. After that, no additional effect occur. To inanimate objects such as rocks, plants, furniture, etc. they start to rot/chip away. This effect takes about 1 hours to occur. For something to completely decompose, it would take a full 24 hours. [/hider] Symbol: Peridot Bio: Collin is the classic slacking, laid back, and care-free young adult. He recently moved out of his parents house after completing high school, and had his own small apartment. With his minimum wage job at a best buy, he lived a with a very minimal lifestyle which involved eating, sleeping, playing video games, and the occasional workout, a small keeping him from becoming obese or as skinny as a rail.