So here is the application format. I have always hated these things with a burning passion, but I also understand that they are a necessary evil. I feel that these points will give both you and your fellow players a decent look at your ship and your captain. Now I may be forgetting some critical information on this template and/or I might be including fields that really don't matter. Fill out as much as you need to give us a feel for what sort of starship you're using and who your captain is; exclude fields that you feel are unimportant and add fields you think matter. Err on the side of brevity; too often NRP players will expend a huge effort into perfecting an exhaustive application, only to find their creative energy used up before their first post. Vessel Name: Vessel Type: (If applicable) Vessel Class: (If applicable) Armament loadout: (Brief outline of ship's weaponry) Onboard vehicles: (Outline of any vehicles carried on the ship such as dropships, fighters, etc. if applicable. Any support ships assigned to your vessel should be listed here as well.) Crew: (Number of total crew. Might also break down of officer/conscript ratio, describe any marine contingents aboard, list other important crew members, etc.) Overview: (Description of the vessel, its combat role, brief summary of its history if it is a seasoned warship. Treat this like the ship's bio field.) Captain: M/F: Age: Rank: (If applicable) Bio: (Brief history of your captain. The point is not to recount their life story, but to sow the seeds for your captain's motivations and aims by grounding them in a backstory.) Remember that the keyword here is "brevity". Most of these details will be roleplayed out soon anyway. I'd guess that if you're needing 2k words or more to fill your application out, then you're probably doing it wrong. [quote=@Inkdrop] So, do we have to worry about artificial gravity and time distortion and all that? I'd prefer it if we could just nonsense our way past that and brush it under the rug. I am also super excited that this is generating interest and I am already formulating a plan for a small battlegroup. [/quote] I agree. This is not meant to be "hard sci-fi", so don't worry about those details. But yeah, I am also quite pleased to see this moving right along. Once I have some applications from prospective players we can move right along to OOC stage. [quote=@babbysama] Interested interested interested. Potential character idea: A sportsman of sorts, relishing the opportunity for promotion alongside a deeper love of the hunt. [/quote] I can certainly see a Most Dangerous Game slant to the mission to take out Admiral Vranas. I dig it. [quote=@Lauder] I have an interest for this... FOR SCRIENCE [s]I want to be a science vessel if you couldn't tell[/s] [/quote] I don't have a problem with you playing more of a non-combatant role, but I'm wondering if you have a way of involving yourself in the plot at hand or bumping into other players. We don't need people going off and doing their own thing with no intention of interacting with anyone else (I'm looking at you, Aaron). If you can find a way to tie your scientific mission into the story at large, I'm all for it.