[hider=Ionna] Name: Ionna Barabash Appearance: Though not particularly striking, she does not have rough features either. She looks a bit younger than she is, though is still clearly a functioning adult. Perhaps her most notable feature would be Ionna's rather cold blue eyes, with rather plain brown hair to contrast it. After entering prison she has kept her hair rather short to go with the fairly spartan like lifestyle. She has the rugged look that lets you know she comes from a non extravagant simple but decent family. Age: 28 Power(s): Hyper-Intelligence While Ionna was originally just a normal girl, her basic intellect was increased manifold after her gift was awakened. At default her intelligence is certainly genius, and all of her mental abilities are far above human. She can accelerate her own thinking to further enhance her intelligence, though doing too much of this at once will fry her brain. Through self improvement, she has made it possible to accelerate her brain more and for longer. Split Consciousnesses As a sort of psychic, she can possess objects and even people. However, this is done by splitting bits and pieces of her mind apart, allowing her to do multiple tasks at once. By combining this with thought acceleration, she's capable of increasing her efficiency even further. It's much like a computer in function, allowing her to be as efficient as possible. However this ability requires her to possess an object; after she does, she can control it freely, moving it around with great precision and power. If the object is destroyed, there'll be feedback(Though it depends on the object and how much of her mind she put into it) and thus damage. Further, it's most efficient when used on something like a computer for obvious reasons, however it can be used on other things, as she can transform them into brains. Because she controls the objects she possess, she has used this to further enhance her own brain periodically. Uniquely, she can put her mind into the digital world with this gift. At this current time her consciousness is still tied to her body, so she can't become voldemort, sadly. Personality: While originally being a rather simple salt of the earth type, Ionna has changed a great deal after gaining her gift. Because of the nature of her ability, she is slowly losing interest in the material world. Her intellects raw power has led her to slowly become more and more apathetic, though she attempts not to show it. Confinement has not helped this at all, and while her normal personality is rather lively and bubbly, its fading fast. However the prospect of being able to apply her knowledge to create things and solve problems will certainly help her sanity, if nothing else. Bio: Ukraine has been one of the least stable countries in Europe for a long time. The crimean crisis and resulting rebellion launched the country into political turmoil. It was stuck between the Russian East, and American dominated NATO. Though it is now 2021, little has changed for the little known yet large Eastern country. Despite this, Ionna was raised far away from such things, in the western portions of Ukraine. Far away from the hustle and bustle of such large cities as Kyiv, she assisted her father in his small business as a mechanic. Despite the economic turmoil, their family persisted on without much issue. Eventually however, the radiation hit- changing Ionna's life forever. One day she awoke to find that she could remove her mind from her body. Not only that, her intelligence had increased significantly. She was never particularly bright, and the sudden shift intelligence changed her personality drastically. Concerned for his daughter, her Father contacted the local police force and attempted to sort things out as the public learned about the new "gifted". This resulted in her almost immediate capture by American agents, who had been monitoring the countries communications in its shadow war with Russia. Ionna found herself in prison, cut off from her friends, family, and father. Over the past two years, she honed her own abilities while reading countless books on various subjects, all to feed her intelligence. Because of her ability, it was essentially impossible to contain anything more than her body alone. This has led to her being rather independent despite the imprisonment, taking in knowledge for these two years while waiting for her eventual release. The world was changing, and she with it. [/hider]