[@Ryonara] It's good, but unfortunately there's some problems that might seem minor, but in this particular roleplay have a big effect. You mentioned the in-game claimant, Prince Valdym the Bastard, an attempt for him to come into power. I appreciate the reference, but he could potentially play a big part of the story later on, and having him wasted on a passing mention in your backstory doesn't seem very fitting. Another thing, is that your character seems to have an incredibly excellent personality and training. She's good with words, sword, archery, medicine, and horse-back riding. She's also charismatic and has a forceful presence. It's a little too much, if you don't mind me saying. Finally, she has four books. Books, that are having to hand-written by skilled calligraphers or scribes. Not only are they full of incredibly useful information, but they could be sold for thousands and thousands worth of denars. Of course, she is a woman, and while that may have some disadvantages in this world, she's also of noble birth and has all of the above abilities. In the game, she would have like, fifteen out of twenty in all four attributes. I suppose, she's just overpowered. I'd be glad to accept if you just, excuse the gamey word, "nerfed" her.