[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Vilageidiotx] I mean it's not complicated, can agree there... Let's be frank. I mean I know exactly where I stand, I've been on enough forums long enough. To know when people are clearly standing up for one another. It's not a hard concept to grasp. And if it wasn't entirely for political reasons (like it always is, because ya know tolerance an shit.) Was the sole reason I got so much bullshit. It may be more tolerable. Even though I -should- be used to it, and I basically am. It doesn't make it any less -temporarily- annoying. Especially when its me trying to be nice, and for a reward I get a metaphorical knife in my back. <.< Frankly my only problem is continuing to go in this thread. (But I already know I'm not the bad guy. -.-) And since I'm not a teenager anymore (thank god.) I will never have anyone convince me otherwise, nor will I care what others think. I frankly don't even mind having enemies, if my crime is for being honest. Because I'm long past the point of trying to do the impossible and please everyone with my actions. Oh, and I know that last post came off slightly melodramatic. So, non-personal matter, and to change the subject. My back and head are killing me again. <.< [/quote] Now now now, that's not what is happening at all and it is a little unfair to paint everyone in this thread as out to get you. There is no conspiracy here. You probably will bug people if you start suggesting we're all villains arranged against you and not, as it actually is, just folk fucking off on the internet. You need to make an effort at empathy and look at things through our eyes in a world where we aren't evil because, really, nobody in this forum is evil. At least [i]try[/i] to read your posts from a perspective where we are just regular people watching a couple of guys arguing. So let's recap this part thread from my perspective. Dynamo fucks with you using some exaggerated political banter. Others don't say anything because A: I don't know if anybody but you or him pay attention to that Steven Molenewds guy to even talk about it and B: Like, what I am I supposed to do, argue with [i]everyone's[/i] political perspective rather than those explicitly opposite of mine? Okay, you respond with a joke about the FCC channels being your favorite and that seemed like the best answer for the situation and all is good. Things grind on and there is some nuclear discussion, then Dynamo fucks with you again. Then you go back to that original Dynamo quote and reply, which I thought was sort of funny because I have you pegged as a dude who is addicted to arguing even if you won't admit it. Then Dynamo gets visceral because that's how he does, then you get visceral, then everyone else and myself is like 'Woah'. And then you get mad at us and say we are being unfair and claim harassment and persecution. And now I guess I am a bad person or something Nobody hates you for your political perspective. Everyone makes mistakes, man.