[@Vilageidiotx] No, not "everyone in the thread." Just most people that have already attacked me. Though maybe not equal in blame, because I won't claim such a thing. Frankly people who outright pretend to ignore a problem or encourage bad behavior do play their part... I'm also long done being optimistic toward others actions, because all those kind words I could tell myself, usually isn't true...That's a fact of life I've learned the hard way one too many times. >.> I already know what your and everyone else's prescriptive boils down too...[b]at best[/b] it's completely lack of knowledge (ignorance) of the situation. And when that leads to calling me the bad guy, I can't really empathize there. I mean, proof to the contrary, would be lovely...Though, evil's a strong of word I wouldn't use. But I wouldn't call it innocence either. Maybe it's just ya know the several other forums and schools that pulled this exact same shit, has made me only a little bitter and suspicious of certain signs. You say, don't think there's a conspiracy. But I'll have you know, I've literally had it happen. Plenty of times... I've seen others get attacked as well and it seems like I'm the only one that isn't hypocritical as all fuck and doesn't want anyone to be personally attacked... And I say all of this, to you. But I'm not saying it "at" you specifically. Just to clarify. I'm also far too lazy to find this quote, but I literally admit, I used to argue with my roommate for fun. And I also have legit reasons why I do it. (for the lulz isn't it.) [hr] I mean, I can tell you what happened...Though I would prefer to drop it. I suppose might as well. A. Calls someone a -an evil cult leader- (which is a incorrect/hyperbolic term which is the point. Mr. Grasp at straws) B. *verbally rolls my eyes* A. Thinks I care about that person and not the context. This person obviously already dislikes me due to politics. Bringing them up, in non-related topics. So he now starts to push this more to get a rise. B. Despite knowing this, act professional and try to 'see the good in the person' (worked out well for me didn't it?) And explain calling someone a nazi seems a touch extreme. A. Says I'm sensitive and pokes and laughs at me. B. ...um, no. I think I'll just drop this... C. Someone mocks him. B. I tell them, not helpful. A. Calls them something right back. B *Speechless* [i]Topic is eventually dropped.[/i] A. Says a very wrong comment. Liked and favorited by literally everyone who has a problem with this discussion now...(We'll say that's purely coincidental.) B. Proves a lot wrong. A. Basically gives up the factual argument and just tries to piss me off instead. B. *Continues trying to assume the person isn't just trying to piss him off* A. *Does nothing but try to piss me off in like 5-6 replies, posting things, he 'think' will upset me. (And its not the content in posts that do that. It's the intent behind it.) Repeating what he says, over and over again. -No one says a word at this point- B. Finally just throws up his hands after his 6-7 times being directly insulted and constantly called a liar. And just calls him an idiot. -everyone who liked that comment now has a problem- D. Your, doing this. Your doing that. B. Defends myself and owns up to what I say. D. ... A. Posts a stupid meme. Then lies and claims innocence. D. *Thumbs up* -And the rest goes from there. [hr] I'd like to point out, I'd rather have someone flat out admit, they're friends and their displaying bias. I mean who hasn't stuck up for their friend even if their wrong? (...well people in my life are actually in general VERY bad at defending me ever. But I digress.) So I don't perceive you or anyone as villians for that. Shit, everyone does it to me. But I digress. <.< I [b]-really-[/b] don't like liars. I can tolerate a lot. Aside from dishonesty. Hell, I'd probably prefer his trolling if he just flat out admitted he was trying to piss me off. And it is unfair, but I'm not mad at anyone. Because not a teenager, I don't hold grudges for stupidity on the internet. (as foolish as that may be.) Nor am I calling anyone a bad person, I think your over stating my feelings on the matter. Tell that to the many people in my life that hate more solely based on incorrect information, or some trivial disagreement. There's a very, very long list I'm afraid. xP Though I can safely assume your saying -this forum-. And I'm sorry but... *Looking through posts* Maybe I'm blind, but he may of deleted that...because too lazy and can't be asked to look through this horrible thread again... Dynamo has personally called out that he didn't like my opinions, in something that was completely unrelated to the subject. You don't do what he did, if you didn't feel animosity toward someone. (frankly I'd be surprise if he remembers why, because I certainly don't. Shit I don't remember ever talking to him. Not that, that hasn't happened to me before, because I'm a lucky guy.) And I wouldn't of defended him against a personal attack, if I felt the same. <.< So yes, someone dislikes me. Solely because of a shallow bullshit reason. And if I wanted to go further, I'd love to point out how deep the hypocrisy goes. But that involve being too personal. Once again, not attempting to paint people as villains. Nor am I -actually- mad at anyone. I've suffered through enough real problems that the internet will never be a blip on my radar ever again... And yep, but most of my mistakes in my whole life revolve around me being too nice to people that don't deserve it. And most "bad things" I do actually end up being the things that help the most in the long run. Off topic perhaps. But honestly, I don't really feel like calling out someone's actions, even is a mistake. -Though you probably won't read all of that, I apologize for making it so long in the first place. ;D