[center][h2][color=98fb98]Rya Mira [/color][/h2] [sub]"Wife/SisterBride" of [color=skyblue]Aeila Snowblood[/color][@NarcissisticPotato] and [color=8493ca] Azilon Dantanath [/color][@WeepingLiberty][/sub][/center] [color=98fb98]”Azilon Dantanath,”[/color] murmured Rya tasting the name as she watched the male gem zip around. Trying to attend to, what could only be described as, a very difficult patient. Either that or the man was hurting much more than he was willing to let on. Which, after a few very poor displays of trying to hide it, made her think that the second was probably more correct. After that, the Drakkon…her ‘husband’ passed out. Had the male gem not been there, Rya would have woken him up to demand more answers. She didn’t like to make big choices without having all of the pieces to the puzzle, and right now she felt as though she only had the pieces she didn’t want. The pieces that didn’t solve the problem. This ….Azilon seemed very indifferent to their presents, to her and this…Drakkon woman. The girl hadn’t said much, or anything, since they walked away from the main hall. Rya wasn’t sure if it was through fear, indifference, or she was simply…uninterested in making conversation. [i]Or…perhaps she thinks less of you for being a Gem.[/i] There was very little information on how female drakkons felt about the whole ‘marriage’ arrangement. From what she could tell, most of the Drakkon’s seemed to think of their brides as pretty little play things. Did they think of their own females in such a way? For Gems, there was such a small chance of being selected that they could dream of living other lives. Was the same true for female Drakkon? Or were they always fated to be the play thing of their males. That life style seemed too sad to spend much time thinking about. Trying to banish the thought Rya turned to this male Gem, reaching out to shake his hand. [color=98fb98] “Well, Scoot, if you ever want me to call you Kushniryk Sol, I will do so,” [/color] Rya then looked over to the bed, eyeing with longing. It had been too long since she had had a proper nights sleep on a proper bed. [color=98fb98]”Well, there is no reason to make the choice tonight. I doubt I’d get very far at this hour, anyway,”[/color] With that, she turned and crawled into the bed, never minding that she was still wearing her families second best dress. But, as tried as she was, sleep did not come as easily as she would have liked. Thoughts kept swirling around her head, trying to find the…correct answer, but it kept escaping her. On one hand, she knew that she was [i]sent[/i] here, no one expected her to return, or to hear from her again. And even if she did, would it be kind of her to ask her family to protect her? What would her life be like, even if she did get home? Rya doubted very much that Gem families who had lost daughters of their own would be…warm towards her, as their own children never came home. And that was if she even made it that far, which seemed less and less likely as each second passed. Besides, the male Gem didn’t seem to hate his life with Azilon. Either that, or the man was so cruel that Scoot was simply mad or too scared to be any thing but loyal. For leaving, the only argument on that side was that…well…Rya wanted to go home. It was a restless sleep, full of nightmares and shadows. Once the light in a room was a dull gray color, Rya was up, sitting crisscross by Azilon’s side, waiting for him to awake. Once the injured Drakkon awoke, the questions started pouring out again. [color=98fb98]”If…I choose to stay now, is it a forever choice?[/color] Not that the response would change what she was about to say. [color=98fb98]”Because, I guess, for now…or…ever, I am staying with you,”[/color] [center][h3][color=808000]Exon[/color][/h3][sub]Husband of [color=ed145b]Nadia[/color] ([@Vesuvius00]) [color=33d6c2]Saisri[/color] ([@RomanAria])[/sub][/center] Exon let out a long breath, he had closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the smaller warm bodies next to him. It took a few minuets for him to realize it, but his little wife, Nadia, kept getting warmer. Opening his eyes, he glanced over at the Gem when she spoke up. Exon kept his face neutral as the Gem spilled her story. He let the silence build before carefully unwrapping his arm from Saisri and grabbing Nadia just below her injury, examining it. In truth, it held no danger, other than a painful, ugly bruise, the girl would heal just fine on her own. No, the problem here was the lie. He rose up from the bed and yanked one of the heavier blankets off of it. Grabbing a pillow, he draped both of the object on one of the couches in front of the fire. It was then that he pointed to a spot directly in front of him where he expected his wife to stand. [color=808000] ”I do not tolerate being lied to, little one, no matter what your intentions might be,” [/color] He crossed his arms, a look of…disappointment clear in his eyes. [color=808000] “As my bride, your obligation to me outweighs even your obligation to yourself and however you might feel. When I ask you a question, you will be honest,”[/color] He then pointed to the couch. [color=808000] “For now, you have lost my trust, and I will not share my bed or my ears with someone who isn’t worthy. I will also not allow your lying tongue to poison the ears of your sister wife. Had you been my wife for a longer amount of time, the punishment would have been much more physical. Keep that in mind if you ever choose to lie to me again. Your privileges are reduced and you will be silent until I believe you have paid proper penitence. You may nod to show you understand,”[/color] he waited for his wife’s response before beginning again. [color=808000] “Break any more rules during this time of your punishment and I’ll will make that bruise look like nothing,”[/color] with that, he left the Nadia without a second glance, crawling back into bed with Saisri, pulling her close. With any luck, they would be able to get an early start in the morning. [hider=Sumitup] Rya isn't going to try and die and Exon silences Nadia before passing out [/hider] It might need fixing in the morning. But I'll deal with it...well...in the morning.