Yuno allowed them both to enter before quickly chanting a few words. Below them the runes started to glow pale white before the light engulfed them entirely, tunes dissipating besides for a few of them remaining seared to the wood in the after effect of the spell being cast. To all those involved the whiteness that had engulfed them began to fade and they were at the entrance that Jessie had arrived at before them. No one seemed to have any after effects besides Yuno who had to wipe a few drop of sweat from her brow. Unlike Felix before her the mana reserved that she had access to and the skill entwined was not on Arch Mage levels. Doing such a task with even a marker wasn’t a simple feat after all, and it wasn’t copying the spell like Nemo. [color=6ecff6]“Alright, now we can finally get back to business correct?”[/color] she stated with a small smile as a bit of pride went into her. Being able to at least solve a problem compared to the man who had slumped on the railing gave her a small ego boost after the impressions he had given her of himself, confirming for now a bit of bias she had in place of him being named their leader.