[hr][hr] [center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Clementine Morgan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--QBP-GCk85E/UN9n35QNdiI/AAAAAAAAXdQ/nx0JCF-v-X0/s640/Are+Zoe+Saldana+&+Bradley+Cooper+ENGAGED.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b]Main room [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@SouffleGirl123] [/center][hr][hr] Considering the man sitting across from her didn't bolt at her first words Clem sat there for a moment in silence and took a sip of her wine. Setting it back down on the table she ran her finger over the rim of the glass as she contemplated what to say next before starting up again. [color=a187be]"Well you didn't run, I suppose that is a good sign. Though I might just have caused you to freeze. You know they say that the human condition gives us two responses to confrontation. Those two being either fight or flight. What many fail to realise is there is a third response. Freeze. Hope that isn't the case here granted if it is it could prove to be interesting. Would mean you are just stuck there and I can continue to make you feel uncomfortable if that is the case,"[/color] she said with a slight chuckle and in a playful manner. Granted while she was teasing she was being as serious as a heart attack at the same time. When people froze on her show she milked it for all it was worth, it was what she was paid to do. [color=a187be]"Hrm, I guess I could run down the usual boring facts. Where I attended college; Harvard. What I majored in; Law. What my favorite color is; black. If I have been married; Yes. Currently divorced. Ex husband was a client of mine I was hired to defend for my first case; he was a television producer. Apparently liked my moxy; granted that was a word I was unaware people still used outside of a 1950's reference. Helped launch my career but after he joined the Church of Scientology... Well let us just say things went down hill fast. We still work together, easier to divorce a spouse than it is to divorce a producer and manager. Mores the pity. So he will just have to put up with my words on his life choice until he decides to let me out of the contract. Freedom of choice and such does not mean freedom from ridicule. People tend to confuse this far too often."[/color] Tilting her head to the side she checked her watch for the time, they were about half way done, she figured she should bite her tongue for now and see what all he wanted to say either in rebuttal or how much he actually changed the subject from this point on. [color=bc8dbf]"And what about you?"[/color]